Bahia grass


Bahia Grass (Paspalum notatum)

Description: Perennial. Main growth during summer. Semi-erect growth. Suited to low fertility, light-textured soils. Do not grow it (especially cv. Pensacola) on or near fertile soils as it may become a weed. Intensive grazing management is essential to prevent Bahia dominating the pasture. Bargoo jointvetch (not listed) is a suitable companion legume on the coast, if seed is available. Amarillo peanut is also compatible. Sow in spring to early summer or late summer to early autumn.
Sowing rate: 1–2 kg/ha.
Minimum average
annual rainfall
(summer dominant) 700 mm.
Select varieties on the basis of:

Frost tolerance: Desirable to increase period of green feed availability and better winter feed.

Palatability: The greater the palatability the greater the potential livestock production.

Seed available:

Argentine has moderate frost tolerance, and is moderately palatable, whereas Pensacola has poor frost tolerance and low palatability .

Bahia grass