
Name: Lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula, type Conferta)

A tufted perennial with most growth in spring, summer and autumn. Suited to lighter‑textured acid soils with high levels of exchangeable aluminium. Moderately palatable to stock. Useful for erosion control and for controlling spiny burr grass and blue heliotrope.
Suitable companion legumes are serradella, subterranean clover, and barrel medic, subject to soil type (especially soil acidity). Sow in early spring or late summer to early autumn. Annual legumes only suited to sowing in autumn. Do not sow in local government areas where the weed African lovegrass Eragrostis curvula is declared noxious.

Minimum average
annual rainfall:
(summer dominant) 400 mm.
Sowing rate: 0.3–1.0 kg/ha.

Consol (Public variety)