Mullet (Sea)

Sea mullet

Scientific name

Mugil cephalus


The head of the Sea (bully) Mullet is very broad when viewed from above, but narrowed when viewed from the side. The back of these mullet may vary in colour from steely blue, olive green to brown, while the belly is a bright silvery white colour and the body is fat and cylindrical. The Sand Mullet is a much more streamlined fish with a more pointed, narrower head and smaller eyes. A small, dark blotch is evident at the base of its pectoral fins and the fish is much more silver overall.


Sea (bully) mullet reach a maximum length of approximately 75 cm and 8 kg in weight, while flat-tail mullet and sand mullet are a smaller species, reaching a maximum length of approximately 45 cm.


Particularly abundant in estuaries and coastal waters of NSW, the latter two species are more prevalent in southern NSW.