Shark - Hammerhead


Head with laterally expanded blades shaped like a hammer or mallet in profile and the first dorsal fin is moderate to large in size. Teeth small to moderate in size and blade like in shape. The colour of the Hammerhead is light grey or brownish above becoming white below. Smooth Hammerhead – front head profile without grooves. Scalloped Hammerhead – front head profile with distinct grooves. Great Hammerhead – front head profile lacking distinct grooves and the dorsal fin is high and straight.


The Smooth and Scalloped Hammerheads may reach to 4.5 m in length but Great Hammerheads may reach 6 m in length.


Hammerhead Sharks are a warm-temperate to tropical species of sharks with a wide ranging distribution. They range in depth from the surf line out to sea and from the surface down to at least 275 m.

Fishing restrictions

Only Smooth Hammerhead Sharks may be taken. Great Hammerhead Sharks and Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks are threatened species in NSW and must be released immediately with minimal harm.

Further reading