
  Silver trevally


Trevallies are actively swimming, highly streamlined fishes with very fine scales. The most prominent features in Trevally are the forked caudal or tail fin and the ridge of plates on each side of the base of the tail. Most species are silver in colour with some species having a blue or gold colouration.


Maximum length for a Silver Trevally is approximately 1.4 m compared to the maximum length of Giant Trevally that is around 1.7 m. The Larger Trevally species can grow up to 2 m and about 80 kg.


Trevally species are commonly found along the New South Wales Coast. The species more common in NSW include the Silver Trevally, Bluefin Trevally and Bigeye Trevally. They are found on inshore reefs and around estuary systems and can form large schools. Species such as Silver Trevally can be found in large schools in offshore waters. At least 23 species of Trevally are found along the east coast of Australia.

Types of Trevally

  • Giant Trevally
  • Silver Trevally
  • Gold Spotted Trevally
  • Banded Trevally
  • Blue Trevally 
  • Thicklip Trevally
  • Bluefin Trevally
  • Bigeye Trevally
  • Golden Trevally
  • Sand Trevally
  • Diamond Trevally

Confusing species

Trevallies can be difficult to tell apart, but are easily distinguished from other families of fish.