Fish friendly councils top tip 1

1. Find out about your local fish populations

Diverse and abundant native fish populations are an excellent indicator of healthy waterways which provide many benefits to local communities.

However, in many areas, communities do not know what fish are in their local river or creek. Together the iconic species, such as Murray cod or Australian bass and the largely unrecognised, smaller species, such as gudgeons and galaxiids, can tell us a lot about the health of local waterways.

Council can ...

  • learn about the species, distribution and status of native fish in the local region, including threatened and protected species
  • discover if there are introduced species in local waterways
  • adopt a native fish species to represent your local rivers and creeks and use it to engage with the local community.
 Southern pygmy perch and mountain galaxias

Southern pygmy perch (3 in image) and mountain galaxias (1 in image) are two of the smaller native species found in our waterways. Of the 300 species of native freshwater fish known in Australia, 40 % are considered of conservation concern. Southern pygmy perch is one fish that has undergone serious decline and population fragmentation in some regions. (Image PIRSA Fisheries)

See also