Threatened and protected species

Ballina Angelfish

The marine park's protected and threatened species include Black Rockcod, Whale Shark, White Shark, turtles, dolphins, seals and sea lions, whales, waders and seabirds.

  • Black Rockcod have been sighted at various locations, including the shelf area and the lagoon.
  • The loggerhead turtle and leatherback turtle migrate through park, while the green turtle and hawksbill turtle reside there. Important seagrass habitats are protected within the North Bay and Lagoon sanctuary zones.
  • Thirty-one nationally significant marine mammal species potentially occur in the park waters include dolphins, seals and whales. These mammals primarily occur in the Commonwealth waters.
  • Significant foraging habitat for threatened migratory waders is found within the lagoon in the intertidal seagrass habitats of North Bay, Hunter Bay and Lovers Bay.
  • Protected fish species include the Ballina angelfish, bluefish, elegant wrasse and various sygnathids.

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