2017 winter crop variety sowing guide now available

21 Apr 2017

The popular NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Winter crop variety sowing guide is now available with the latest research to assist grain growers to plan for the right variety selection and management for the coming season.

DPI Technical Specialist Grain Services, Peter Matthews said the 2017 Winter crop variety sowing guide assists growers with informed planning, variety selection and management decisions that are right for their farming systems.

“The guide covers the major winter crops including, wheat, chickpea, canola, barley, oats, triticale, faba bean, field pea, and lupin,” Mr Matthews said.

“The latest results from the National Variety Trial program, DPI research and industry programs provide updated technical information on varietal yield performance, grain quality, disease tolerance, sowing time, weed management, rotations and nutrition.

“Following the challenging 2016 very wet winter and wet mild spring, the right choice of variety and crop management strategies will be crucial for the 2017 winter crop season for producers.

“The early autumn break has allowed grain producers to commence paddock preparations, including weed control, for winter crop sowing, as well as the sowing of dual-purpose cereals and canola.

Mr Matthews said there has been eight new canola varieties released for 2017.

“Growers should note that there have been changes made in the blackleg resistance rating of some canola varieties, with around 50 per cent of existing varieties having their resistance rating downgraded since 2016,” Mr Matthews said.

“There are six new wheat milling varieties released for 2017 for growers to consider. Also two new feed wheats are now available; a long season red wheat suitable for grazing and grain recovery and a short season high yielding white wheat.

PBA Seamer is the one new desi chickpea variety and seed is available for the 2017 season. It is a high-yielding variety across chickpea growing regions of northern NSW, southern and central Qld and is recommended and suited to areas north of Dubbo.

Growers are reminded that when they are considering a new variety, it is important to compare the yield potential, grain quality and disease resistances and tolerances with the currently grown varieties.

The Winter crop variety sowing guide 2017 is available from all major agribusiness stores, Local Land Services offices and DPI.

Media contact: Anne Brook (02) 6763 1163 or 0477 358 305