Irrigation essentials for North Coast farmers in NSW

Irrigation essentials coverSo you have an irrigation farm – or you’re thinking of irrigating? This booklet has been prepared to provide important information for all irrigators – experienced or newcomers.

Throughout Australia governments are developing plans and rules to try to ensure that humans, their enterprises, and the environment, get a fair share of available water. The old days of pumping water when you want it are gone, irrigators now have to plan ahead and justify their requirements.

Irrigation Essentials outlines principles for useful, profitable and efficient irrigation. It also examines irrigators’ legal responsibilities and explores options when water access is limited.

It is not designed to be an almanac of everything to do with irrigation, but it will point out the critical things you need to know.

Also available for download below is success stories, the follow up publication featuring five north coast farming enterprises that have implemented principles of sound irrigation management.