Astrebla lappacea (Curly Mitchell grass)

AdaptationHeavy grey clay, self-mulching soils in summer rainfall areas. Intolerant of flodding and frosts. Occupies vast areas of northern Western Australia, the Northern Territory and central west Queensland. Patches in north western New South Wales.
Seasonal growth patternsWarm season
Flowering timeSummer
CommentsLong-lived, 20 years or more, recruitment infrequent, susceptible to flooding.
Growth habitErect / semi-prostrate
Harvesting optionsDirect heading and brush harvesting.
Expected germination60–90%
Sowing techniques / sowing depthAerial sowing, drum seeders, broadcasting with harrows / 10 mm.
Optimal germination temperature (°C)20–30
Harvesting / sowing commentsHigh proportion of harvestable seed, hign seed retention.

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