Eastern star clover


Eastern star clover (Trifolium dasyurum C. Presl.)

Description:Eastern star clover is an erect annual legume that produces high-quality forage over autumn, winter and spring. It can be grazed or cut for forage conservation.
Sowing rate:Sowing rates of 7–10 kg/ha are recommended.
Minimum average
annual rainfall:
350–500 mm
VarietiesAGWEST® Sothis is the first cultivar of eastern star clover that has been developed. It is an early-flowering cultivar, flowering about 100 days after seedling emergence. Its growing season is of a similar length to that of the early-flowering subterranean clover cultivar Dalkeith. At Tamworth, its maturity was similar to Jester barrel medic and Prolific Persian clover.
Eastern Star Clover