Inoculation fundamentals to maximise success

Improved production - the soil biology fundamentals for everyone

The basic principles of a healthy soil help to understand why rhizobia play such an important role in supplying N to plants to optimise growth and assistance in mitigating risks associated with soil constraints, disease, climate extremes and weather events.

Service provider discussion guide

Primary producers will often obtain their information by word of mouth from trusted agency and industry service providers, agronomists or reseller salespeople. The AIRG has a package of up to date materials to have the right conversation with farmers on inoculant decisions and why the Green Tick program is an insurance against costly inoculation failure.

Download the Presenters Pack here ( ZIP, 4807.57 KB) containing:

Producer inoculant purchase and management decisions

It is your right as a primary producer to have confidence that the product you are purchasing is fit for the intended purpose. It is worthwhile taking an additional five minutes in store to ask the critical questions. It is then worth the extra care and attention to ensure you maintain the integrity of your purchase through to application. Remember, rhizobia are living organisms and need to stay viable throughout every step.