Central West LHPA - OJD Prevalence Areas

OJD Prevalence Areas from 1 January 2011

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High Prevalence Area (HPA)

The land within the District generally south and east of a line commencing where the Central West LHP District boundary meets the western boundary of the Parish of Hyandra in the County of Gordon, thence by that boundary and the western boundary of the Parish of Strathorn northerly, by the western boundary of the Parish of Belmore northerly to the junction with Gundong Rd, then easterly by the northern boundary of DP 753219/Lot 12, then southerly by the eastern boundary of DP 753219/12 and DP 753237/Lot 13, then easterly along the northern boundary of DP 753237/Lot 5 boundary and DP 700818/Lot 2 to the Obley Parish Boundary, then by part of the eastern boundary of the Parish of Obley southerly, by the northern boundaries of the Parishes of Buckinbah, Burrawong and Eurimbula generally southeasterly, by the northern boundary of the Parish of Three Rivers in the County of Wellington generally easterly and southeasterly, by part of the northern boundary of the Parish of Boomey generally easterly and southeasterly to its intersection with the Molong to Euchareena Road, thence east along the Molong - Euchareena road to its junction with the Orange - Stuart Town Road (Burrendong Way), continuing north along Burrendong Way 100 metres to the first unnamed road to the east which leads to the Euchareena railway crossing, thence along the unnamed road leading north for approximately 1.5km to where it turns east onto Mount Top Road, thence along Mount Top Road until it crosses the creek known locally as "Curragurra Creek", thence along the course of the creek easterly for approximately 12km to the point where it meets the District boundary.

Low Prevalence Area (LPA)

The remainder of the Central West LHP District not described in the HP area above.