Yenda fruit fly outbreak

The NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) today confirmed it was treating an isolated outbreak of Queensland fruit fly at Yenda.

Within 24 hours of trapping seven wild fruit flies in a backyard surveillance trap, the NSW DPI started a chemical treatment campaign in Yenda.

The flies were trapped in a backyard apricot tree.

The NSW Department of Primary Industries’ regulatory officer, Marryanne Nolan, said it had been two years since Queensland fruit fly had been caught at Yenda.

‘All fruit within a 15 kilometre radius of the detection site must now be treated before being sold on the domestic market,’ Ms Nolan said.

‘This is also a set-back for Yenda fruit growers who were almost about to regain Fruit Fly Free Status for overseas markets which would have reopened access to lucrative markets.

‘12 weeks will have to pass without Queensland fruit fly being trapped before Area Freedom for domestic markets is renewed for fruit from within the declared outbreak area.’

Ms Nolan said the Yenda community had been very supportive of the NSW DPI campaign.

Media contact: Brett Fifield on 0427 029 511.