Cathcart State Forest harvest under way

A harvesting operation now under way in Cathcart State Forest east of Bombala may result in short term road closures in the area over the next few weeks.

“We have closed Stoves Road for a short period,” Forestry Corporation South East regional manager Mr Steve Dodds said.

“But there are alternative routes that motorists in the area can use while the harvest takes place.

“There is a 100m wildlife corridor along the major tributaries of Black Log Creek, which will form the western boundary of the harvest area within this compartment.

“All harvesting activities will be excluded from this zone.

“There is also provision for preserving the visual amenity of the area adjacent to Mt Darragh Road , and a special modified harvesting procedure will be employed there.”

The Cathcart harvest will deliver sawlogs to Blue Ridge at Eden and some salvage logs to Victorian mills.

“This forest contains some high quality brown barrel trees arising from past fire and harvesting events in the 1950s,” Mr Dodds said.

“With easy access from the Mt Darragh Road there has been regular harvesting in this area from early in the 1900s to supply timber to local sawmills including the former Rayners' Mill that operated nearby for many years.

“The principal objective of this operation is to improve the productivity of the forest so we can grow high quality sawlogs in shorter periods for future harvest.”

Mr Dodds said this would be achieved by removing most of the poorer quality trees while retaining the high quality sawlogs.

Pulpwood from the harvest will go to South East Fibre Exports at Eden .

There is no rainforest, rare forest types or high conservation value old growth within the harvest area.

“This section of forest had been identified as an area of possible conservation interest, but with the Government's recent decision to transfer 7,135 ha of land to the forest reserve system in the South Coast region, Cathcart State Forest was retained for timber production to supply future needs for the region's sawmilling industry,” Mr Dodds said.

Further information
Howard Spencer 02 66568800 or mobile 0428 696672