Yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi

Yellowtail Kingfish
Yellowtail Kingfish

Distribution - Yellowtail Kingfish occur in ocean waters from Queensland south to Western Australia, and inhabit temperate waters worldwide. They are often found associated with floating objects in the ocean and pylons and jetties within bays. Juveniles are commonly found in schools.

Size - The largest fish commonly caught are up to 1m long, weighing 10-15kg. Maximumof 70kg and approximately 2m in length.

Characteristics - Yellowtail Kingfish have long bodies and a slender head, which is longer than their body depth. Yellowtail Kingfish are generally a blue or blue-green colour on their back, white-silver below. The caudal fin is yellow.

Confusing species - Samson fish (Seriola hippos) have a head shorter than their body depth. Both species have been known to swim together.