A NSW Government website

Aquaculture protocols

You must comply with the relevant protocols if you are moving stock or infrastructure. The protocol that applies to you will be listed on your permit as a condition.

Be aware of any responsibilities that apply to you as a permit holder, in relation to protocols developed to safeguard the industry against the spread of disease.

Mollusc protocols


Pacific Oysters - import from Tasmania

Sydney Rock Oyster - import from Queensland

Sydney Rock OysterQueensland             NSW estuaries                                               

Shellfish Hatchery Protocol Production and Translocation into NSW of Sydney Rock Oyster (Saccostrea glomerata) spat produced by AquaFarms Queensland Pty Ltd, East Booral, Queensland. ( PDF, 230.58 KB)

Sydney Rock Oyster - import from Victoria

Sydney Rock Oyster - import from Western Australia

Broodstock movement

Any authorised oyster species in NSWSupply of NSW oyster broodstock to an interstate hatchery, including return of that broodstock to NSW

Shellfish Hatchery Protocol Supply of NSW oyster broodstock to an interstate hatchery, including return of that broodstock to NSW (PDF, 301.43 KB)



Blue MusselsMovement of spatTwofold Bay NSWJervis Bay            

NSW Blue Mussel spat translocation protocol (Twofold Bay to Jervis Bay) PDF, 201.76 KB

Finfish protocols

Other species protocols

Marine polychaete worm

Marine polychaete wormTranslocation of broodstockOutside NSWNSW            

Protocol for the importation of marine polychaete worm (Perinereis helleri) broodstock into NSW. (PDF, 45.28 KB)