Aboriginal Fishing Trust Expenditure Committee - Terms of Reference

The following terms of reference set out the process by which the AFTEC will perform its function:

  1. Review and assess funding applications received by DPI seeking funding from the Aboriginal Fishing Trust Fund. Applications are assessed against a range of criteria, including: the extent of benefits to Aboriginal community in relation to fishing, cost effectiveness, commitment and capacity to undertake the project and, project team expertise.
  2. Seek business, technical or expert advice as necessary when making recommendations of a business or investment nature, particularly where an application seeks large grant funding.
  3. Provide funding recommendations to AFAC following review and assessment of funding applications.
  4. Receive Aboriginal Fishing Trust Fund project updates from DPI and provide advice to AFAC and DPI on any issues arising from the project updates.
  5. Provide advice to AFAC on any other specific issue referred to AFTEC.

*Note that the function of AFTEC members does not include representing AFAC.