White shark-Primefact


White Sharks, also commonly known as White Pointers or Great White Sharks, are found throughout the world in temperate and subtropical oceans, with a preference for cooler waters. This distribution includes the coastal waters of NSW.As an apex predator (at the top of the food chain), White Sharks plays an important role in marine ecosystems. However, scientific evidence suggests that their numbers have significantly declined over the last few decades.  Their natural rarity, low natural mortality, low reproductive rate and other life history characteristics make their populations highly vulnerable to the impacts of fishing. White sharks are listed as vulnerable species in NSW. There are heavy penalties for harming, possessing, buying or selling them, or for harming their habitat.

The contents of this Primefact include the following:

  • Description
  • Habitat and ecology
  • Why are great white sharks threatened?
  • Conservation and recovery actions
  • Legal implications
  • Bibliography and further reading
  • Contact details for further information


Primefact 6 Third Edition

Published: Jun 2015