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  1. mdb-native-fish-values-scoping-project-report.pdf

    Managing river health through the protection or re-instatement of natural flow regimes can. ... salinity, chemical cues and food content, and is equally influenced by river regulation (MDBA.

  2. Varieties

    Harvest date: We harvest separately for two different styles:. 1. For a rose, we harvest at around 12.5 Baumé.

  3. Spatial Dataset Profile Olive Perchlet

    Within the framework of the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric V2 surface hydrology network, the records were associated with attributes from the National Environmental Stream Attributes Database and River Styles geomorphology. ... The NSW Office

  4. Northern Rivers drainage report

    Mr Culleton's findings and recommendations are outlined in the Northern River's Agricultural Drainage Report.

  5. Fish habitat assessment and protection in the Barwon-Darling and Paroo Rivers

    71 6.2. Action plan for protecting fish habitat in the Paroo River. ... Functional process zones subdivide rivers into sections with relatively uniform discharge and sediment regimes, defined from major breaks in slope, and styles of river channel and

  6. Owner attitudinal survey Northern NSW

    In NSW there are four Codes of Practice: Northern NSW, Southern NSW, River Red Gum.

  7. Spatial Dataset Profile Flathead Galaxias

    Within the framework of the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric V2 surface hydrology network, the records were associated with attributes from the National Environmental Stream Attributes Database and River Styles geomorphology. ... The NSW Office

  8. A preliminary assessment of the historical, current and future cover of seagrass in the estuary of the Parramatta River

    Contents i. (West &Williams) Preliminary seagrass assessment for Parramatta River. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ... ii Contents. Preliminary seagrass assessment for Parramatta River (West &Williams). LIST OF TABLES.

  9. Assessment of a Dual-frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON) for application in fish migration studies

    Quart Pot Road crossing. Stroud Weir Fishway. Macleay River Floodgates. Clarence River Floodgates. ... 2. CASE STUDY 1: FLOODGATE MANAGEMENT WITHIN THE MACLEAY AND CLARENCE RIVER ESTUARIES.

  10. Carp in NSW: Assessment of Distribution, Fishery and Fishing Methods

    tributaries of the upper Lachlan River) were all reported to be free of carp. ... R. - dams on upper river 32o06’, 152o08’ FO koi carp P Stephens Wallamba R. -