You searched for `Hemp Production`

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  1. hemp-industry-licence-manual.pdf

    Hemp Production in New South Wales. First published February 2018. ... Licence granted &issued. Annual Audit Program. Low-THC Hemp Production in New South Wales.

  2. NSW Hemp Industry

    Identifying legislative barriers to and opportunities for expanding industrial hemp production in NSW. ... These conditions include strict eligibility and suitability requirements for licence applicants. A licensed business must comply with certain

  3. Media Releases

    The NSW Government establishes Hemp Industry Taskforce. ... 8 February 2024. - Agriculture; Research &Development; Ministerial. The NSW Government is continuing work to future proof NSW Agriculture production and support growers across all sectors with

  4. Hemp Industry Act 2008

    Hemp Industry Act 2008. An Act to authorise and regulate the cultivation and supply of low-THC hemp for commercial production and other legitimate uses; to amend the Drug Misuse and ... Hemp Industry Instrument of Delegation 2021 (PDF, 854.54 KB).

  5. audit-guidance-for-hemp-growers.pdf

    Audit guidance for low-THC hemp. December 2017. Introduction. Cultivation of low-THC hemp. ... All low-THC hemp licence holders are audited against the Hemp Industry Act 2008, Hemp Industry Regulations 2016 and the Hemp Production in New South Wales

  6. Summer crops

    DPI scientists work closely with growers, collaborate with scientists in CSIRO, Cotton CRC and the universities and conduct research on cotton production  factors such as irrigation, fertiliser, soil, crop physiology and

  7. hay hemp profile upper hunter region.pdf

    As bulky commodities, hay and hemp production additionally benefit from being close to markets. ... Currently available ABS agricultural statistics do not identify hemp production. Hemp growers, however must be licensed.

  8. The NSW Government establishes Hemp Industry Taskforce

    Identifying legislative barriers to and opportunities for expanding industrial hemp production in NSW. ... The Hemp Industry Act 2008 was enacted on 1 July 2008 to kickstart growth of low-THC hemp production in NSW.

  9. ​​Amendments to Hemp Industry Act 2008​

    Clarify that a licence authorising a person to cultivate or supply low-THC hemp can include the production of oil, fibre or resin. ... Hemp Industry Regulation 2016. Licensing. 8, 11. Replacing “revocation with “cancellation” wherever occurring.

  10. application-for-licence-to-cultivate-and-supply-low-THC-hemp.docx

    3.1 Cultivate – for commercial production. Complete this section if you intend to cultivate low—THC hemp for commercial production. ... g. Provide an estimate of the quantity of low-THC hemp to be supplied for commercial production annually.