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Curtis Champion

Fisheries Scientist

Dr Curtis Champion completed a BEnvSc (Hons) in Marine Science at the University of New South Wales and a PhD in Fisheries Oceanography at the University of Tasmania and CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, where he developed statistical models to quantify the effects of historical and projected environmental change on the distribution of fisheries resources.

His research spans a range of topics, including the effects of regional-scale oceanography on the distribution and body condition of coastal and pelagic fishes, the impacts of environmental change on the health and nutritional quality of harvested marine species, the function of artificial habitat in coastal ecosystems, vulnerability assessment methods for marine species and the development of fishery-relevant indices to support climate adaptation. In addition to his research, Curtis has chaired the Early Career Researcher committee of the 2019 international Species on the Move conference held at Kruger National Park, South Africa. Curtis is also passionate about effectively communicating scientific research with relevant stakeholders and has won multiple science communication awards, including the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation’s prize for best oral presentation at the 2018 Australian Marine Science Association conference.

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Email: curtis.champion@dpi.nsw.gov.au

Phone: (02) 6656 8917

Research branch: Fisheries Conservation and Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems, Fisheries and Ecosystems Research

Location: Coffs Harbour