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Peter West

Research Officer, Vertebrate Pest Research

Peter has 20 years’ experience in pest animal research and management, and has been with the Vertebrate Pest Research Unit since 2000.

The focus of his research has been on developing suitable techniques for community-based and agency-based monitoring of pest animal populations. He has developed NSW and national maps of pest distributions to inform policy, research and management. He has a strong interest in developing community-based tools (including phone Apps) for gathering, centralising, reporting and alerting farmers, land manages and biosecurity stakeholders to threats posed by pest species. He is currently responsible for the national FeralScan program.

Featured Projects

Displaying 2 of 6

Recent Publications

Displaying 3 of 3
image for publication Building an army of wombat warriors: developing and sustaining a citizen science project

Building an army of wombat warriors: developing and sustaining a citizen science project

Australian Mammalogy, (41) 186-195 CSIRO Publishing

2019 | Journal
image for publication The Australian National Rabbit Database: 50 years of population monitoring of an invasive species

The Australian National Rabbit Database: 50 years of population monitoring of an invasive species

Ecology 100(7): e02750.

2019 | Journal
image for publication Guide to introduced pest animals on Australia

Guide to introduced pest animals on Australia

CSIRO Publishing. Melbourne

2018 | Journal

Professional Associations and Activities


Email: peter.west@dpi.nsw.gov.au

Research branch: Biosecurity

Location: OAI (Orange Ag Institute)