Issue 2: Reducing land use conflict and supporting dispute resolution

Land use conflict impacts farmers differently. Responding to complaints and changing operating practices to resolve conflict can impacts a farmers’ business and cause mental health, financial and social stress for farmers.

Land use conflict can involve existing agricultural processes or new and expanding operations. It can also occur when residential uses move into agricultural areas and new neighbours don’t understand the realities of agricultural practices. The conflict can cause delays in development approvals and impose more costs on farmers to defend standard agricultural activities.

The Agriculture Commissioner proposes that the ALUP Strategy develop a simple, accessible and fair dispute resolution system that can support farmers and regional communities positively manage disputes about farming practices. This system could be an expansion of existing dispute bodies, such as the Independent Planning Commission or the NSW Civil and Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Alternatively, a new dispute resolution body with statutory powers could be established.

The Commissioner is seeking your feedback what an alternative dispute resolution process could look like and what would be most useful to reduce the impacts of land use conflict on farmers.

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To view the options see chapter 2 of the options paper (PDF, 526 KB).

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