Issue 3: Support the growth of agriculture and regional economies

There is a perception among stakeholders that the planning framework does not reflect the needs of agriculture and restricts agricultural operations and investment in agribusiness in NSW.

The NSW Government is committed to reducing red tape and making it easier to set up and conduct business in the State. There are options to improve the planning framework so that it better reflects the needs of agriculture and promotes economic growth. This may include clarifying definitions in the planning framework to make it clear when a development application is needed or introducing a new agent of change principle to the development process.

The Commissioner is seeking your feedback on a range of options that would be progressed to better support agriculture, improve consistency in planning decisions and support economic growth.

Have Your Say

To view the options see chapter 3 of the options paper (PDF, 526 KB).

Once you understand the options you can provide your feedback by completing this survey or making a submission to
