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Our facilities & services

Trangie Agricultural Research Centre comprises 3900 ha of mixed red and grey soils in the heart of the Macquarie Valley.

About 2800 ha are grazed as native pasture, with 800ha managed for dry land cropping in rotation with lucerne pastures, and 300ha developed for flood irrigation. The balance of 290ha is occupied by roads, buildings etc.

The property has a livestock carrying capacity of 12,000 dry sheep equivalents and is the largest research station operated by the Department of Primary Industries.

The availability of high security irrigation water of 3300 ml ensures that fodder can be grown to maintain experimental livestock in the four years out of 10 when paddock feed is expected to be insufficient. Currently over 150 commercial  cotton is in production.

The property is well supplied with paddocks, yards and associated infrastructure, including 72 x 4ha paddocks that are used for joining and lambing of ewes in single sire mating groups. It also has extensive infrastructure in the form of offices, workshops, and library and seminar facilities.

See below for more detail on our offerings and how to access them.

Public Facilities for Hire

The TARC has a conference facility available for hire inclusive of kitchen areas (external catering may be brought in), parking and IT facilities for presentation and remote meetings. As with all our research stations specific hire conditions apply, in relation to the biosecurity and emergency response functions.

TARC training room  is available for hire for up to 40  internal and external customers.

For booking details and conditions on all public facilities contact the Trangie Reception Staff on (02) 6880 800 or email trangie.office@dpi.nsw.gov.au for conference room details or hire arrangements.

Production and site facilities for collaboration

TARC encompasses a variety of production systems relevant to the Western Region including cropping and livestock.

Our production areas are used for both execution of research activities and commercial production including:

  • 2800 ha are grazed as native pasture,
  • 800ha managed for dry land cropping in rotation with lucerne pastures, and
  • 300ha developed for flood irrigation.
  • irrigarion water os 3700ML high security

The property has a livestock carrying capacity of 12,000 dry sheep equivalent

TARC also has various laboratories, greenhouses and glass houses to support propagation and production activities.

Processing and storage sheds are also available for lease along with office space.

If you would like to inquire about site services and facilities available for  use please fill out the following Request for Opportunity on Research Stations.

Work with Us

If you would like to utilise our research facilities or services, or explore partner and -co-location opportunities please fill out this Request for Opportunity Form.

Research Station Request for Opportunity

Trangie Location

Trangie Agricultural Research Centre
7878 Mitchell Highway
Trangie NSW 2823