The Dairy Strategy for Sector Recovery aims to address the long-term recovery and resilience position of the NSW dairy industry following the storms and floods of February and March 2021. The industry has been successful in receiving the Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program (SFIRP) – Sector Recover and Resilience Grant to fund three programs of work, being:
1. Better Response and Short-Term Recovery in Dairy
Aims to support the immediate response and short-term industry recovery, which will ultimately lead to a NSW dairy industry that is better prepared to face natural disasters, as well as pathways for long-term growth and investment in the industry.
2. Better Preparedness, Lower Risk and Higher Resilience in Dairy
The Better Preparedness, Lower Risk and Higher Resilience program and its four associated projects will support both the recovery and resilience of the dairy sector in NSW. The program aims to increase preparedness, resilience, and innovations through knowledge-based networks and information sharing techniques delivered across multiple channels and other communication.
3. Supporting Industry Development in Dairy (led by Dairy NSW)
The Supporting Industry Development in Dairy program and its six associated projects will ultimately lead to a better prepared workforce in the NSW dairy industry as well as support business continuity, highlight pathways for growth and investment in the industry. Collectively they will increase social resilience by building human capital (knowledge, skills, confidence), social capital (bonding, bridging) and demographics (leadership, succession, labour force).
Work within these programs has already commenced and will be undertaken over a two-year period due to finish in December 2024. Overall there are 12 projects within the SFIRP Program, and include:
1. Better Response and Short-Term Recovery in Dairy
a. Industry Leadership and Industry response
b. Farmer Emergency Response
2. Better Preparedness, Lower Risk and Higher Resilience in Dairy
a. Natural Disaster Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
b. Risk factors and Mitigation Strategies
c. Infrastructure, Utilities and Housing
d. Animal and Feedbase Resilience
3. Supporting Industry Development in Dairy (led by Dairy NSW)
a. Leadership Development
b. Workforce attraction and retention
c. New entrant support and succession planning
d. Supporting excellence in service provision
e. Supporting farm business feeding system decision making
f. Promote the ongoing value of the dairy industry
Many of the projects under this program are aligned to the recommendations in the Dairy Industry Action Plan and are being implemented.
For more detailed information about the program and project updates and materials visit here.