New and 3 year Project Renewal Application Forms

Which application form to use

Please use one of the forms below when applying for a new project.

The same forms are also used to apply to renew a project to continue for another 3 years at the end of its current 3 year approval period. Please remember if you are renewing a project at the end of its 3 year approval period to also submit a final report for the existing project approval period.

Fauna Surveys

Fauna Survey Project Application Form

Use this form when applying to do vertebrate wildlife fauna research that includes capture and non-capture techniques that may impact on the animal’s behaviour or health. This may include, but is not limited to activities such as:

  • fauna surveys for environmental impact assessments
  • conservation or threatened species assessments
  • fauna monitoring programs
  • ecological, biodiversity and distribution surveys
  • pre-clearance surveys
  • surveys prior to relocation
  • radiotracking or tagging wildlife
  • wildlife capture, measurement, sampling and/or banding
  • camera trapping using white flash and/or lures
  • spotlighting and other non-capture observation methods
  • behavioural studies using wildlife.

Please note: Spotter catcher/relocation work is not considered animal research under the Animal Research Act 1985 and is does not require animal ethics and ethics committee approval. Surveys to determine presence of animals pre land clearance are animal research and requires animal ethics and ethics committee approval.

To assist in completing the Fauna Survey Application form, please refer to the Guide for completing the Secretary's ACEC Fauna Survey Application webpage

General Research

General Research Project Application Form

Use this form when conducting animal research using non-wildlife animals for recognised research purposes. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • clinical trials
  • therapeutic efficacy/safety trials
  • food trials
  • research testing biological parameters;
  • animal behavioural research
  • collection of biological products for commercial purposes.

If you are using  privately owned animals, please submit an owner information and consent form template that you will be using, along with your application. You can develop your own template or use the template below, with the details for the project added.

Owner information and consent form template - General Research

Educational Activities

Educational Activities Project Application Form

Owner information and consent form template - Educational activities

Use this form when applying to use animals for the purpose of education. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • ultrasound or dental education workshops
  • animal handling courses
  • basically, delivery of training of people using animals when this is not part of normal animal husbandry or required for veterinary management of the animal.

If you are using  privately owned animals, please submit an owner information and consent form template that you will be using, along with your application. You can develop your own template or use the template below, with the details for the project added.

Owner information and consent form template - Educational activities

Animal Supply Supervision

Animal Supply Supervision Application Form

This form should be used by establishments wanting to apply for the Secretary’s ACEC to supervise their Animal Supply Licence in order to obtain, breed, keep and supply animals for use in connection with animal research.

For further information on the requirements and exemptions relating to animal supply please refer to the Animal Ethics Infolink.