Current Research in Low Emissions Agriculture
Low Methane Livestock
Low Methane Sheep
The project will measure the amount of methane emissions and feed intake from individual sheep. Project ends 2026.
Low Methane Beef
This project will look at genetic selection of lower emitting cattle while maintaining productivity in the beef industry. Project ends 2027
Low Methane Pastures
Looking at mitigation potential at a farm-scale by sowing legumes and pasture species capable of reducing livestock CH4 emissions.
Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS)
To commercialise a Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) calibration that can predict methane production potential of various legumes and grasses.
Antimethanogenic additives
Developing and testing a range of additives for reducing methane emissions in sheep.
Edible Shelter Project
Investigating different types of edible shelter on the physiology, behaviour, welfare and survival of sheep.
Carbon Research
Biomass for Bioenergy
Investigating opportunities for increasing the amount of sustainable biomass use in NSW electricity generation.
Duck Creek - Blue Carbon Project
Blue Carbon Demonstration Project at Duck Creek will showcase new approaches that landholders might adopt to accommodate sea level rise on their land
Pyrolysis of invasive woody vegetation for energy and biochar
Pyrolysing residues from woody vegetation is a novel method of residue management
Research Papers
2022 Publications
Lawton, D., Scarth, P., Deveson, E., Piou, C., Spessa, A., Waters, C., Cease, A.J. (2022). Seeing the locust in the swarm: accounting for spatiotemporal hierarchy improves ecological models of insect populations. Ecography, e05763,
Wang, B., Waters, C., Anwar, M.R., Cowie, A., Liu, D.L., Summers, D., Paul, K., Feng, P. (2022). Future climate impacts on forest growth and implications for carbon sequestration through reforestation in southeast Australia. Journal of Environmental Management 302: 113964,
Wang, B., Gray, J.M., Waters C.M., Anwar, M.R., Orgill, S.E., Cowie, A.L., Feng, P., Liu, D.L. (2022). Modelling and mapping soil organic carbon stocks under future climate change in south-eastern Australia. Geoderma, 405 115442,
2021 publications
Anwar, M.R., Luckett, D.J., Chauhan, Y.S., Ip, R.H.L., Maphosa, L., Simpson, M., Warren, A., Raman, R., Richards, M.F., Pengilley, G., Hobson, K., Graham, N. (2021). Modelling the effect of cold temperature during the reproductive stage on the yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) International Journal of Biometeorology,
Cohen, B., Cowie, A., Babiker, M., Leip, A., Smith, P. (2021). Co-benefits and trade-offs of climate change mitigation actions and the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable Production and Consumption 26, 805-813,
Joseph, S., Cowie, A.L., Van Zwieten, L., Bolan, N., Budai, A., Buss, W., Cayuela, M.L., Graber, E.R., Ippolito, J.A., Kuzyakov, Y. and Luo, Y., 2021. How biochar works, and when it doesn't: A review of mechanisms controlling soil and plant responses to biochar. GCB Bioenergy, 13(11), pp.1731-1764.
Lawton, D., Le Gall, M., Waters, C. and Cease, A. (2021). Mismatched diets: defining the nutritional landscape of grasshopper communities in a 2 stochastic environment. Ecosphere
Liu, D.L., Teng, J., Ji, F., Anwar, M.R., Feng, P.Y., Wang, B., Li, L.C., Waters, C. (2021). Characterizing spatiotemporal rainfall changes in 1960-2019 for continental Australia. Int J Climatol 41, E2420-E2444,
Simmons, A.T., Cowie, A.L., Waters, C.M. (2021). Pyrolysis of invasive woody vegetation for energy and biochar has climate change mitigation potential. Science of The Total Environment 770, 145278,
Xiao, D., Liu, D.L., Feng, P., Wang, B., Waters C., Shen, Y., Qi, Y., Bai, H., Tang, J. (2021). Future climate change impacts on grain yield and groundwater use under different cropping systems in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management 246:106685.
2020 publications
Anwar, M.R., Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Waters, C.M. (2020) Late sowing has great potential to mitigate future climate change on Australian dryland cotton. Science of the Total Environment 714, 136806,
Badgery, W., Murphy, B., Cowie, A., Orgill, S., Rawson, A., Simmons, A., Crean, J. (2020). Soil carbon market-based instrument pilot–the sequestration of soil organic carbon for the purpose of obtaining carbon credits. Soil Research, 59, 12-33,
Badgery, W.B., Mwendwa, J.M., Anwar, M.R., Simmons, A.T., Broadfoot, K.M., Rohan, M., Singh, B.P. (2020). Unexpected increases in soil carbon eventually fell in low rainfall farming systems. J Environ Manage 261, 110192,
Baumber, A., Waters, C., Cross, R., Metternicht, G., Simpson, M. (2020). Carbon farming for resilient rangelands: people, paddocks and policy. Rangeland Journal 42, 293-307,
Chen, C., Wang, B., Feng, P., Xing, H., Fletcher, A.L., Lawes, R.A. (2020). The shifting influence of future water and temperature stress on the optimal flowering period for wheat in Western Australia. Science of The Total Environment 737, 139707,
Cobon, D.H., Darbyshire, R., Crean, J., Kodur, S., Simpson, M., Jarvis, C. (2020). Valuing Seasonal Climate Forecasts in the Northern Australia Beef Industry. Weather Climate and Society 12, 3-14,
Darbyshire, R., Crean, J., Cashen, M., Anwar, M.R., Broadfoot, K.M., Simpson, M., Cobon, D.H., Pudmenzky, C., Kouadio, L., Kodur, S. (2020). Insights into the value of seasonal climate forecasts to agriculture*. Aust J Agr Resour Ec 64, 1034-1058,
Duarte-Guardia, S., Peri, P., Amelung, W., Thomas, E., Borchard, N., Baldi, G., Cowie, A., Ladd, B. (2020). Biophysical and socioeconomic factors influencing soil carbon stocks: a global assessment. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 25, 1129-1148,
Feng, P., Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Waters, C., Xiao, D., Shi, L., Yu, Q. (2020). Dynamic wheat yield forecasts are improved by a hybrid approach using a biophysical model and machine learning technique. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 285-286, 107922,
Feng, P., Wang, B., Luo, J.-J., Liu, D.L., Waters, C., Ji, F., Ruan, H., Xiao, D., Shi, L., Yu, Q. (2020). Using large-scale climate drivers to forecast meteorological drought condition in growing season across the Australian wheatbelt. Science of The Total Environment 724, 138162,
Lawton, D., Waters, C.M., Le Gall, M., Cease, A. (2020). Woody vegetation remnants within pastures influence locust distribution: Testing bottom-up and top-down control. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 296:106931,
Li, X., Zhang, L., J. O’Connor, P., Yan, J., Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Wang, P., Wang, Z., Wan, L., Li, Y. (2020). Ecosystem Services under Climate Change Impact Water Infrastructure in a Highly Forested Basin. Water 12,
Liu, D.L., Ji, F., Wang, B., Waters, C., Feng, P., Darbyshire, R. (2020). The implication of spatial interpolated climate data on biophysical modelling in agricultural systems. Int J Climatol 40, 2870-2890,
McDonald, S.E., Reid, N., Smith, R., Waters, C.M., Hunter, J., and Rader, R. (2020). Comparison of biodiversity and ground cover between a commercial rotationally grazed property and an adjacent nature reserve in semi-arid rangeland. Austral Ecology, 45, 60-69,
Nielsen, U.N., Stafford-Smith, M., Metternicht, G.I., Ash, A., Baumber, A., Boer, M.M., Booth, S., Burnside, D., Churchill, A.C., Hassan, M.E., Friedel, M.H., Godde, C.M., Kelly, D., Kelly, M., Leys, J.F., McDonald, S.E., Maru, Y.T., Phelps, D.G., Ridges, M., Simpson, G. Traill, B., Walker, B., Waters, C.M., Whyte, A.W. (2020). Challenges, solutions and research priorities for sustainable rangelands and their communities. The Rangeland Journal, 42: 359-373,
Shi, L., Feng, P., Wang, B., Li Liu, D., Cleverly, J., Fang, Q., Yu, Q. (2020). Projecting potential evapotranspiration change and quantifying its uncertainty under future climate scenarios: A case study in southeastern Australia. Journal of Hydrology 584, 124756,
Shi, L., Feng, P., Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Yu, Q. (2020). Quantifying future drought change and associated uncertainty in southeastern Australia with multiple potential evapotranspiration models. Journal of Hydrology 590, 125394,
Simmons, A.T., Cowie, A.L., Brock, P.M. (2020). Climate change mitigation for Australian wheat production. Science of The Total Environment 725, 138260,
Simpson, M., Dominiak, B.C., McGowen, I.J., Crean, J.J., Sides, T.J.F. (2020). Bioclimatic niche modelling projects a potential shift in distribution and abundance of Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni in Australia. General Applied Entomology 48, 61-74,
Wang, B., Feng, P., Liu, D.L., O’Leary, G.J., Macadam, I., Waters, C., Asseng, S., Cowie, A., Jiang, T., Xiao, D., Ruan, H., He, J., Yu, Q. (2020). Sources of uncertainty for wheat yield projections under future climate are site-specific. Nature Food 1, 720-728,
Wang, B., Feng, P., Liu, D.L., Waters, C. (2020). Modelling biophysical vulnerability of wheat to future climate change: A case study in the eastern Australian wheat belt. Ecological Indicators 114, 106290,
Wang, B., Feng, P., Waters, C., Cleverly, J., Liu, D.L., Yu, Q. (2020). Quantifying the impacts of pre-occurred ENSO signals on wheat yield variation using machine learning in Australia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 291, 108043,
Waters, C.M., McDonald, S., Reseigh, J., Burnside, D., Grant, R. (2020). Insights on the relationship between total grazing pressure management and sustainable land management: key indicators to verify impacts. The Rangeland Journal, 41, 535-556,
Xiao D., Liu D.L., Wang B., Feng P., Waters C.M. (2020) Designing high-yielding maize ideotypes to adapt changing climate in the North China Plain. Agricultural Systems, 181, 102805,
Zhang, H., Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Zhang, M., Leslie, L.M., Yu, Q. (2020). Using an improved SWAT model to simulate hydrological responses to land use change: A case study of a catchment in tropical Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 585, 124822,
Zhang, M., Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Liu, J., Zhang, H., Feng, P., Kong, D., Cleverly, J., Yang, X., Yu, Q. (2020). Incorporating dynamic factors for improving a GIS-based solar radiation model. Transactions in GIS, 24, 423-441,
2019 publications
Baumber, A., Metternicht, G., Cross, R., Ruoso, L.-E., Cowie, A.L., Waters, C. (2019). Promoting co-benefits of carbon farming in Oceania: Applying and adapting approaches and metrics from existing market-based schemes. Ecosystem Services 39, 100982,
Brandão, M., Kirschbaum, M.U., Cowie, A.L., Hjuler, S.V. (2019). Quantifying the climate change effects of bioenergy systems: Comparison of 15 impact assessment methods. GCB Bioenergy 11, 727-743,
Cockfield, G., Shrestha, U., Waters, C. (2019). Evaluating the potential financial contributions of carbon farming to grazing enterprises in Western NSW. Rangeland Journal 41, 211-223, 10.1071/rj18032
Duarte-Guardia, S., Peri, P.L., Amelung, W., Sheil, D., Laffan, S.W., Borchard, N., Bird, M.I., Dieleman, W., Pepper, D.A., Zutta, B. (2019). Better estimates of soil carbon from geographical data: a revised global approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 24, 355-372,
Fang, Y., Singh, B.P., Cowie, A., Wang, W., Arachchi, M.H., Wang, H., Tavakkoli, E. (2019). Balancing nutrient stoichiometry facilitates the fate of wheat residue‑carbon in physically defined soil organic matter fractions. Geoderma 354, 113883,
Feng, P., Liu, D.L., Wang, B., Waters, C., Zhang, M., Yu, Q. (2019). Projected changes in drought across the wheat belt of southeastern Australia using a downscaled climate ensemble. Int J Climatol 39, 1041-1053,
Feng, P., Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Waters, C., Yu, Q. (2019). Incorporating machine learning with biophysical model can improve the evaluation of climate extremes impacts on wheat yield in south-eastern Australia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 275, 100-113,
Feng, P., Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Yu, Q. (2019). Machine learning-based integration of remotely-sensed drought factors can improve the estimation of agricultural drought in South-Eastern Australia. Agr Syst 173, 303-316,
Liu, D.L., Wang, B., Evans, J., Ji, F., Waters, C., Macadam, I., Yang, X., Beyer, K. (2019). Propagation of climate model biases to biophysical modelling can complicate assessments of climate change impact in agricultural systems. Int J Climatol 39, 424-444,
Luo, Z., Eady, S., Sharma, B., Grant, T., Liu, D.L., Cowie, A., Farquharson, R., Simmons, A., Crawford, D., Searle, R., Moore, A. (2019). Mapping future soil carbon change and its uncertainty in croplands using simple surrogates of a complex farming system model. Geoderma,
Nolan, R.H., Sinclair, J., Waters, C.M., Mitchell, P.J., Eldridge, D.J., Paul, K.I., Roxburgh, S., Butler, D.W., Ramp, D. (2019). Risks to carbon dynamics in semi-arid woodlands of eastern Australia under current and future climates. Journal of Environmental Management 235, 500-510, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.01.076
Sarker, J.R., Singh, B.P., Fang, Y., Cowie, A.L., Dougherty, W.J., Collins, D., Dalal, R.C., Singh, B.K. (2019). Tillage history and crop residue input enhanced native carbon mineralisation and nutrient supply in contrasting soils under long-term farming systems. Soil and Tillage Research 193, 71-84,
Simmons, A.T., Murray, A., Grant, T., Brock, P.M., Cowie, A.L., Sharma, B., Eady, S. (2019). Life cycle inventories for the Australian grains sector. Crop and Pasture Science,
Wang, B., Deveson, E.D., Waters, C., Spessa, A., Lawton, D., Feng, P., Liu, D.L. (2019). Future climate change likely to reduce the Australian plague locust (Chortoicetes terminifera) seasonal outbreaks. Science of The Total Environment 668, 947-957,
Wang, B., Feng, P., Chen, C., Liu, D.L., Waters, C., Yu, Q. (2019). Designing wheat ideotypes to cope with future changing climate in South-Eastern Australia. Agr Syst 170, 9-18,
Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Evans, J.P., Ji, F., Waters, C., Macadam, I., Feng, P., Beyer, K. (2019). Modelling and evaluating the impacts of climate change on three major crops in south-eastern Australia using regional climate model simulations. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 138, 509-526,
Waters, C.M., McDonald, S.E., Reseigh, J., Grant, R., Burnside, D.G. (2019). Insights on the relationship between total grazing pressure management and sustainable land management: key indicators to verify impacts. Rangeland Journal 41, 535-556, 10.1071/rj19078
Zhang, H., Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Zhang, M., Feng, P., Cheng, L., Yu, Q., Eamus, D. (2019). Impacts of future climate change on water resource availability of eastern Australia: A case study of the Manning River basin. Journal of Hydrology 573, 49-59,
2018 publications
Cowie, A.L., Orr, B.J., Sanchez, V.M.C., Chasek, P., Crossman, N.D., Erlewein, A., Louwagie, G., Maron, M., Metternicht, G.I., Minelli, S. (2018). Land in balance: The scientific conceptual framework for Land Degradation Neutrality. Environmental Science & Policy 79, 25-35,
Feng, P., Wang, B., Li Liu, D., Xing, H., Ji, F., Macadam, I., Ruan, H., Yu, Q. (2018). Impacts of rainfall extremes on wheat yield in semi-arid cropping systems in eastern Australia. Climatic Change 147, 555-569,
Koponen, K., Soimakallio, S., Kline, K.L., Cowie, A., Brandão, M. (2018). Quantifying the climate effects of bioenergy–choice of reference system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, 2271-2280,
Ma, Y., Schwenke, G., Sun, L., Liu, D.L., Wang, B., Yang, B. (2018). Modeling the impact of crop rotation with legume on nitrous oxide emissions from rain-fed agricultural systems in Australia under alternative future climate scenarios. Science of The Total Environment 630, 1544-1552,
Sarker, J.R., Singh, B.P., Cowie, A.L., Fang, Y., Collins, D., Badgery, W., Dalal, R.C. (2018). Agricultural management practices impacted carbon and nutrient concentrations in soil aggregates, with minimal influence on aggregate stability and total carbon and nutrient stocks in contrasting soils. Soil and Tillage Research 178, 209-223,
Sarker, J.R., Singh, B.P., Cowie, A.L., Fang, Y., Collins, D., Dougherty, W.J., Singh, B.K. (2018). Carbon and nutrient mineralisation dynamics in aggregate-size classes from different tillage systems after input of canola and wheat residues. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 116, 22-38,
Sarker, J.R., Singh, B.P., Dougherty, W.J., Fang, Y., Badgery, W., Hoyle, F.C., Dalal, R.C., Cowie, A.L. (2018). Impact of agricultural management practices on the nutrient supply potential of soil organic matter under long-term farming systems. Soil and Tillage Research 175, 71-81,
Wang, B., Liu, D.L., O'Leary, G.J., Asseng, S., Macadam, I., Lines-Kelly, R., Yang, X., Clark, A., Crean, J., Sides, T., Xing, H., Mi, C., Yu, Q. (2018). Australian wheat production expected to decrease by the late 21st century. Global Change Biology 24, 2403–2415,
Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Waters, C., Yu, Q. (2018). Quantifying sources of uncertainty in projected wheat yield changes under climate change in eastern Australia. Climatic Change 151, 259–273,
Wang, B., Waters, C., Orgill, S., Cowie, A., Clark, A., Li Liu, D., Simpson, M., McGowen, I., Sides, T. (2018). Estimating soil organic carbon stocks using different modelling techniques in the semi-arid rangelands of eastern Australia. Ecological Indicators 88, 425-438,
Wang, B., Waters, C., Orgill, S., Gray, J., Cowie, A., Clark, A., Li Liu, D. (2018). High resolution mapping of soil organic carbon stocks using remote sensing variables in the semi-arid rangelands of eastern Australia. Science of The Total Environment 630, 367-378,
Weng, Z.H., Van Zwieten, L., Singh, B.P., Tavakkoli, E., Kimber, S., Morris, S., Macdonald, L.M., Cowie, A. (2018). The accumulation of rhizodeposits in organo-mineral fractions promoted biochar-induced negative priming of native soil organic carbon in Ferralsol. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 118, 91-96,
Wiedemann, S.G., Simmons, A., Watson, K.J., Biggs, L. (2018). Effect of methodological choice on the estimated impacts of wool production and the significance for LCA-based rating systems. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 1-8,
Ximenes, F.A., Cowie, A.L., Barlaz, M.A. (2018). The decay of engineered wood products and paper excavated from landfills in Australia. Waste Management 74, 312-322,
2017 Publications
Agyarko-Mintah, E., Cowie, A., Singh, B.P., Joseph, S., Van Zwieten, L., Cowie, A., Harden, S., Smillie, R. (2017). Biochar increases nitrogen retention and lowers greenhouse gas emissions when added to composting poultry litter. Waste Management 61, 138-149,
Agyarko-Mintah, E., Cowie, A., Van Zwieten, L., Singh, B.P., Smillie, R., Harden, S., Fornasier, F. (2017). Biochar lowers ammonia emission and improves nitrogen retention in poultry litter composting. Waste management 61, 129-137,
Cintas, O., Berndes, G., Cowie, A.L., Egnell, G., Holmström, H., Marland, G., Ågren, G.I. (2017). Carbon balances of bioenergy systems using biomass from forests managed with long rotations: bridging the gap between stand and landscape assessments. GCB Bioenergy 9, 1238-1251,
Dale, V.H., Kline, K.L., Parish, E.S., Cowie, A.L., Emory, R., Malmsheimer, R.W., Slade, R., SMITH Jr, C.T., Wigley, T.B., Bentsen, N.S. (2017). Status and prospects for renewable energy using wood pellets from the southeastern United States. Gcb Bioenergy 9, 1296-1305,
Kust, G., Andreeva, O., Cowie, A. (2017). Land Degradation Neutrality: Concept development, practical applications and assessment. Journal of environmental management 195, 16-24,
Li, Y., Liu, D.L., Schwenke, G., Wang, B., Macadam, I., Wang, W., Li, G., Dalal, R.C. (2017). Responses of nitrous oxide emissions from crop rotation systems to four projected future climate change scenarios on a black Vertosol in subtropical Australia. Climatic Change 142, 545-558,
Liu, D.L., O’Leary, G.J., Christy, B., Macadam, I., Wang, B., Anwar, M.R., Weeks, A. (2017). Effects of different climate downscaling methods on the assessment of climate change impacts on wheat cropping systems. Climatic Change 144, 687-701,
Liu, D.L., Zeleke, K.T., Wang, B., Macadam, I., Scott, F., Martin, R.J. (2017). Crop residue incorporation can mitigate negative climate change impacts on crop yield and improve water use efficiency in a semiarid environment. European Journal of Agronomy 85, 51-68,
Mohammadi, A., Cowie, A.L., Cacho, O., Kristiansen, P., Mai, T.L.A., Joseph, S. (2017). Biochar addition in rice farming systems: Economic and energy benefits. Energy 140, 415-425,
Mohammadi, A., Cowie, A.L., Mai, T.L.A., Brandao, M., de la Rosa, R.A., Kristiansen, P., Joseph, S. (2017). Climate-change and health effects of using rice husk for biochar-compost: Comparing three pyrolysis systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 162, 260-272,
Orgill, S.E., Waters, C.M., Melville, G., Toole, I., Alemseged, Y., Smith, W. (2017). Sensitivity of soil organic carbon to grazing management in the semi-arid rangelands of south-eastern Australia. Rangeland Journal 39, 153-167, 10.1071/rj16020
Sarker, J.R., Singh, B.P., He, X., Fang, Y., Li, G.D., Collins, D., Cowie, A.L. (2017). Tillage and nitrogen fertilization enhanced belowground carbon allocation and plant nitrogen uptake in a semi-arid canola crop–soil system. Scientific reports 7, 1-13,
Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Asseng, S., Macadam, I., Yang, X., Yu, Q. (2017). Spatiotemporal changes in wheat phenology, yield and water use efficiency under the CMIP5 multimodel ensemble projections in eastern Australia. Climate Research 72, 83-99,
Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Asseng, S., Macadam, I., Yu, Q. (2017). Modelling wheat yield change under CO2 increase, heat and water stress in relation to plant available water capacity in eastern Australia. European Journal of Agronomy 90, 152-161,
Waters, C.M., Orgill, S.E., Melville, G.J., Toole, I.D., Smith, W.J. (2017). Management of Grazing Intensity in the Semi-Arid Rangelands of Southern Australia: Effects on Soil and Biodiversity. Land Degradation & Development 28, 1363-1375, 10.1002/ldr.2602
Xing, H.T., Liu, D.L., Li, G.D., Wang, B., Anwar, M.R., Crean, J., Lines-Kelly, R., Yu, Q. (2017). Incorporating grain legumes in cereal-based cropping systems to improve profitability in southern New South Wales, Australia. Agr Syst 154, 112-123,
Pre-2015 Publications
Waters, C.M., Melville, G.J., Orgill, S.E., Alemseged, Y. (2015). The relationship between soil organic carbon and soil surface characteristics in the semi-arid rangelands of southern Australia. Rangeland Journal 37, 297-307, 10.1071/rj14119
Waters, C.M., Penman, T.D., Hacker, R.B., Law, B., Kavanagh, R.P., Lemckert, F., Alemseged, Y. (2013). Balancing trade-offs between biodiversity and production in the re-design of rangeland landscapes. Rangeland Journal 35, 143-154, 10.1071/rj12083
Whalley, R.D.B., Chivers, I.H., Waters, C.M. (2013). Revegetation with Australian native grasses - a reassessment of the importance of using local provenances. Rangeland Journal 35, 155-166, 10.1071/rj12078
Waters, C., Melville, G., Coates, D., Virgona, J., Young, A., Hacker, R. (2011). Variation in morphological traits among and within populations of Austrodanthonia caespitosa (Gaudich.) HP Linder and four related species. Australian Journal of Botany 59, 324-335, 10.1071/bt10204