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Animal Ethics Infolink
A NSW DPIRD and Animal Research Review Panel initiative

Animal Research Review Panel (ARRP)

About The Animal Research Review Panel

The Animal Research Review Panel (the ARRP) is a statutory body under the Animal Research Act 1985 (the Act). It has twelve members who are appointed by the Minister for Primary Industries (the Minister). There is equal representation from the sectors of industry, government and animal welfare.

Functions of the ARRP

The Act defines the functions of the ARRP as:

  • The investigation of matters relating to the conduct of animal research and the supply of animals for use in connection with animal research.
  • The investigation and evaluation of the efficacy of the Code of Practice in regulating the conduct of animal research and the supply of animals for use in connection with animal research.
  • The investigation of applications and complaints referred to it under the Act.
  • Such other functions as the Minister may from time to time confer or impose on it.

ARRP Meeting Dates for 2024

  • Thursday 22 February
  • Thursday 9 May
  • Thursday 18 July
  • Thursday 26 September
  • Thursday 5 December


Under the Act, inspections can be carried out of Accredited Animal Research Establishments, Licensed Animal Suppliers and Animal Research Authority holders by NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) veterinary inspectors appointed under the Act.

Section 10 of the Act allows for members of the ARRP to accompany inspectors during inspections.

The aim of inspections is to determine whether establishments, suppliers and individuals are complying with the legislation (the Act and the Animal Research Regulation 2021), the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 2013 (the Australian Code) and any licence/accreditation conditions to which they are subject.

More information about Inspections.


The ARRP consists of 12 members who are appointed by the Minister on the basis of nominations received from industry, government and animal welfare groups.

Nominating organisations and individuals are listed below:

New South Wales Vice-Chancellors Committee 3
Medicines Australia 1
New South Wales Minister for Health 1
New South Wales Minister for Education 1
New South Wales Minister for Primary Industries 1
New South Wales Minister for the Environment (National Parks and Wildlife Service) 1
Animal Societies Federation (New South Wales) 2
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( New South Wales) 2

All members of the Panel are part-time and are normally appointed for a term of three years.

Current membership

Nominated by NSW Vice-Chancellors' Committee

  • Professor Jacqueline Phillips
  • Professor Tim Karl
  • Associate Professor Kieron Rooney

Nominated by Medicines Australia

  • Dr Damian O'Brien

Nominated by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals NSW

  • 1 x TBA
  • Dr Gemma Ma

Nominated by Animal Societies' Federation NSW

  • Dr Sophie Riley
  • Ms Paula Wallace

Nominated by the Minister for Health

  • Associate Professor Marina Pajic

Nominated by the Minister for Education

  • Ms Sally Bannerman

Nominated by the Minister for Primary Industries

  • Dr Kate Wingett

Nominated by the Minister for the Environment

  • Dr Marie-Claire Demers

ARRP Webinar Series 2022

The ARRP, in partnership with the department, hosted a three-part webinar series to help educate and continue to raise awareness of the welfare of animals used in research.

Additional information

ARRP annual reports

The ARRP reports on its activities on a calendar year basis. Each annual report is provided to the Minster for tabling in Parliament and published online. ARRP annual reports can be found below.