Licencing forms
- Form C - animal research authority (DOC, 30.5 KB)
This form is for Accredited Animal Research Establishments issuing Animal Research Authorities to investigators and teachers. Animal Research Authorities are issued, subject to Animal Ethics Committee approval, specific to each research/teaching project. See: Animal Research Authorities - Form E – Extension to Accreditation or Licence (DOCX, 173.92 KB)
To be completed by accredited/licensed establishments who need to add designated lands or animals - Form L: Animal Use Statistics 2023
Link to online Form to be completed for animal use in research and teaching in NSW from 1 January to 31 December 2023. Submit the completed online form to the department by 31 March 2024.- Guidance on completing Form L: Animal Use Statistics 2023
Document for assistance in completing the online Form L: Animal Use Statistics
- Guidance on completing Form L: Animal Use Statistics 2023
- Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) membership notification
Use this form to apply or notify changes to an Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) membership.
It is a requirement for all accredited research establishments and licensed animal suppliers to notify the department within 30 days after a change in membership of their animal ethics committee. - NSW Animal Use Statistics Excel Spreadsheet Template
- Form N - Supplier's record for dogs and cats (PDF, 184.87 KB)
This form is to be used by Licensed Animal Suppliers when obtaining, breeding or supplying dogs and cats for research purposes. See Policy: Supply of dogs and cats for use in research (PDF, 182.6 KB). - Form P - Application for Ministerial Concurrence to Perform LD50 Tests (DOC, 155 KB)
To be completed by corporations and individuals wishing to carry out LD50 tests. See: LD50, Draize and Lethality tests - Form Q - Declaration for release of an animal for research (PDF, 12.21 KB)
Form for waiver of Animal Supply requirements for animals with specific medical or genetic conditions. - Form R - Application for Accreditation as an Animal Research Establishment and Licence as an Animal Supplier (DOC, 561.5 KB)
Form to be used for application for Accreditation as an Animal Research Establishment and for Licence as an Animal Supplier. See: Accreditation and Animal Supply Licence