A NSW Government website

Animal Ethics Infolink
A NSW DPIRD and Animal Research Review Panel initiative


Inspections under the Animal Research Act 1985

The NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (the department) monitors compliance with the Animal Research Act 1985 through regulatory inspections of licence and accreditation holders.

Inspections are carried out by inspectors appointed under the Animal Research Act 1985, with members of the Animal Research Review Panel (the Panel) also able to attend in accordance with section 10 of the Animal Research Act 1985.

For information on how inspections are conducted, please see the Inspection Guidelines.

Inspection frequency

The department and the Panel prioritise the conduct of routine inspections based on risk. Risk-based compliance is in accordance with the NSW Government’s Quality Regulatory Services Initiative and aligns with best practice in regulation.

Inspections based on risk provide the necessary flexibility for the department to focus its compliance efforts on high priority/risk activities, particularly those identified in the legislation or the Australian Code as requiring additional scrutiny.

The department may not inspect every licence holder in a 4-yearly period. Where the department does not undertake a compliance inspection, institutions must still abide by their obligation under the Australian Code, to ensure that a 4-yearly independent external review is conducted, and this review must be conducted by people who:

  • are independent of the institution and the activities conducted on behalf of the institution; and
  • have appropriate qualifications and/or experience relevant to the activities of the institution.