Climate change and primary industries research
Here is a list of our research papers in this topic area. More findings and resources will be added in the coming months as a large body of work in this area is nearing completion.
Darbyshire, R.O., Johnson, S.B., Anwar, M.R., Ataollahi, F., Burch, D., Champion, C., Coleman, M.A., Lawson, J., McDonald, S.E., Miller, M. and Mo, J., 2022. Climate change and Australia’s primary industries: factors hampering an effective and coordinated response. International Journal of Biometeorology, pp.1-12.
Broadfoot K, Cashen M, Behrendt K, Clark AJ, Graham P (2021) “Building responsive bio-economic models to replicate complex farm management decisions for mixed irrigation farming systems in southern NSW.” 24th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Sydney, Australia.
Options for dryland farming in Murray Local Land Services region in 2030, #1454 (2016)
Options for mixed farming in Southern NSW in 2030, #1418 (2015)