DPIRD Energy Pilots
Seven pilots demonstrating innovative technologies and practices to reduce farm energy use, costs and emissions. Included are video case studies of the seven pilot projects that were implemented and 11 feasibility studies that were completed prior to pilot funding.
Exploring Beyond Diesel and other forums
Forums exploring low and zero carbon alternatives to diesel for agricultural applications including hydrogen biofuels and electrification.
Electrification and reducing diesel use on farm
This section includes reports about reducing diesel use and adopting renewable energy technologies on-farm.
This section includes videos on hydrogen and how it works. It also features the H2Cuts trailer showcasing energy efficiency ideas, renewable energy technologies and free hydrogen powered haircuts at field days and other events.
Factsheets on improving energy efficiency and generating clean energy on-farm.
External resources
Energy smart farming
NSW DPIRD, Tocal College and Agriculture Victoria have partnered to create an on-line Energy Smart Farming community of practice.
Energy NSW
The Energy NSW website is a hub for energy related information from NSW Government departments for households and businesses.
Energy Efficiency Council
Navigating a dynamic energy landscape: A briefing for farms has been produced by the Energy Efficiency Council and the National Farmers Federation to highlight cost-effective opportunities for smart energy management being leveraged by farms to cut costs, improve productivity and reduce emissions.
National Renewables in Agriculture Conference
The National Renewables in Agriculture Conference is an annual event, sponsored by NSW DPIRD, bringing together farmers, agriculture and energy consultants, peak bodies and government representatives to share stories of on-farm renewables and their business case, and to discuss what’s driving the transformation of energy use in agriculture. The next conference is being held in Dubbo, NSW, 21 June 2023. For more information and to register online visit the National Renewables in Agriculture Conference 2023 website.
University of NSW
NSW Power to X (P2X) Industry pre-Feasibility Study is a roadmap for a P2X (is renewable energy (electric and chemical) delivered to range of users) economy in NSW carried out by UNSW, Sydney with support from the Office of NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer. The report looks at the future of the hydrogen industry and how the development of P2X industries can complement and further accelerate the hydrogen economy through knowledge sharing, translatable technology, aggregated demand and economies of scale.