A NSW Government website

Group permit for movement of hay

A new Group Biosecurity Emergency Permit has been made to allow movements of hay from low infested areas in the fire ant biosecurity zone of South East Queensland.

Hay grown inside some localities of the Queensland fire ant infested areas may be moved into NSW contrary to the Emergency Order, if:

  • Facility has been inspected by QLD government inspectors and meets permit conditions.
  • Hay comes from a facility where visual inspections are performed by trained staff within 2 weeks prior of movement into NSW, and monthly afterwards; and records kept for 4 years.
  • If fire ants present in the last 7 years, the facility subject to an IGR treatment regime, and at least 8 weeks have passed since initial application; and records kept for 4 years.
  • Hay raking is completed within 24hrs, baled within 24hrs of raking completion, and immediately placed in preventative conditions or between 6pm-5am, and remain in preventative conditions until arrival.
  • Records retained 4 years, accompanied by Biosecurity Certificate.

View the permit to view a list of localities affected by the permit.

Check the map

Stay vigilant and contact us with any suspicious ant sightings to the NSW Biosecurity Hotline 1800 680 244 (8.30am-5.00pm weekdays) or www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fire-ants.


To move hay into NSW that has been grown, processed or stored in the fire ant infested area in Queensland it must be accompanied by a Plant Health Certificate that certifies it has been:

  • inspected and found too be dry and free of all soil
  • the hay is treated with an APVMA approved chemical for the control of fire ants in accordance with all label directions and permit conditions
  • handled and stored in preventative conditions immediately after treatment and until it arrives in NSW.


To move chaff into NSW that has been grown, processed or stored in the fire ant infested area in Queensland it must be accompanied by a Biosecurity certificate that certifies it has been:

  • hammer milled or cut by a chaff cutter, and
  • immediately after milling or cutting, the chaff is placed in preventative conditions and remains in preventative conditions until it is moved out of the fire ant infested area
  • checked visually over every bag for rips and tears (every bag).


To move silage into NSW that has been grown, processed or stored in the fire ant infested area in Queensland it must be accompanied by a Biosecurity certificate that certifies it has been:

  • ensiled in at least 6 layers of stretch-wrapped silage wrap or silage film, and the wrapping remains undamaged and intact until arrival into NSW
  • checked visually over every bale for holes or tears, and free of soil stuck to the wrapping. Bales with holes or tears or with soil stuck to the wrapping must not be moved into NSW.


Any person who initiates the movement of a fire ant carrier into NSW from the fire ant infested area must:

provide details of the movement and a copy of the approved biosecurity certificate to the Department by completing and submitting the record of movement declaration form before the fire ant carrier is moved, and retain details of the movement for 4 years.