Trapping blowflies


Over the years many wool producers have been interested in trapping or baiting blowflies as a means of reducing flystrike.

Various trap designs have been developed. Some are available from hardware stores and are primarily aimed at backyard use while others can be made or purchased for on-farm use.

As early as the 1930s offal and sodium sulphide baited traps were shown to attract and catch large numbers of blowflies and when used intensively were capable of reducing flystrike.

However, the effort required to produce and service sufficient offal-baited traps in this way is not cost effective and is not recommended.

To be efficient the bait must be attractive to blowflies and be placed in the vicinity of the blowflies.

The Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina, is strongly associated with sheep so to be effective traps must be placed near the sheep and moved when the sheep are moved.

This Primefact provides information and diagrams on the LuciTrap system in addition to bait bins and other blowfly traps.


Primefact 842 Second Edition

Published: Sep 2016