
DPIRD employs Compliance Officers to assist the community to comply with NSW game hunting laws. These officers are appointed as inspectors under the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 (the Act).

NSW Police officers are also authorised Inspectors under the Act.

Compliance Officers can provide information and advice related to game hunting laws. They also address illegal hunting through the enforcement of hunting laws to ensure hunting is conducted in a safe and responsible manner.

DPIRD Hunting purpose and outcomes

DPIRD Hunting regulates hunting throughout NSW under the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002. We use a mix of activities to encourage participation and voluntary compliance with hunting rules, such as hunter education, setting standards and supporting hunters to comply.

DPIRD Hunting purpose: Promote safe and responsible hunting that continues the positive contribution by hunters to the NSW economy and communities now and into the future.

DPIRD Hunting outcomes:

  1. Safe and responsible hunting in NSW
  2. Support the high value contribution of hunting in NSW

Hunting in State forests

DPIRD works closely with the NSW Police, the Forestry Corporation of NSW and local communities to combat illegal hunting in NSW State forests. We use a range of activities and resources to detect, monitor and address illegal hunting. Some of these activities include the use of surveillance cameras in State forests and joint operations with other agencies including Police.

Hunting on private land

DPIRD works closely with the NSW Police, private land managers and local communities to combat illegal hunting on private property. Illegal hunting on private property creates anxiety, stress and safety issues for landowners and their families. It can disturb stock, which may lead to losses and fences and crops can be damaged.

What to expect when hunting

  • You may be stopped by an Inspector. An Inspector may not always wear a uniform, but they will always display their official identification to you.
  • If you are approached by an Inspector, you should make safe any firearm or other hunting equipment. This includes safely unloading any firearm and restraining any dog.
  • You may be asked to produce your Game Hunting Licence and, if hunting with a firearm, your Firearms Licence. An Inspector may also seek to inspect any game animals you have harvested or have in your possession.
  • Inspectors may stop and search any vehicle or boat during their inspections. They may also seize any game or wildlife or any equipment that they believe is connected with a game hunting offence.

DPIRD Hunting compliance and enforcement policy

Our approach to game hunting compliance is documented in our Hunting Compliance and Enforcement Policy (PDF, 390.16 KB). The policy sets out how we will encourage voluntary compliance with game hunting laws and also how we will detect and deter illegal hunting on both public and private land.