
In a bushfire emergency, our department and Local Land Services (LLS) work together as the Agriculture and Animal Services Functional Area (AASFA), supporting the NSW Rural Fire Service to:

  • Assist primary producers, animal holding establishments and the community to be prepared for bushfires
  • Coordinate support of animal owners/carers at evacuation sites to ensure the welfare of the animals.
  • Coordinate the provision of emergency animal feed and water for the welfare of livestock and other isolated animals.
  • Coordinate assessment, humane euthanasia and burial of affected animals
  • Support recovery arrangements including providing impact damage assessments and contributing to recovery centres and committees

Being prepared is key to minimising the impacts of fire on your property, your family and your animals. Find out what you need to do before, during and after a bushfire emergency.

Bushfire affected farmers and landholders

Fire affected farmers and land managers requiring assistance with livestock assessment, animal welfare and veterinary assistance or livestock euthanasia or burial, can call 1800 814 647.

Emergency fodder is available as a temporary measure for up to 3-days to give landholders time to make decisions about their stock. It will be distributed according to the following criteria:

  • If there a genuine animal welfare issue within 5-7 days of the fire
  • If 30% or more of the property has been affected
  • If there are no stored fodder or pasture reserves on the landowner's property(s)
  • If the owner can't source off-farm fodder or access is restricted.

Exceptional circumstances will be assessed case by case.

Recovery and assistance

Primary producers should report damage including stock and fodder losses, damage to crops, pastures, fencing and other farm infrastructure through the Natural Disaster Damage Survey. This will ensure we understand the severity and distribution of the damage and can target resources and assistance in the appropriate areas

Financial assistance

Natural disaster assistance is available to help communities and individuals directly affected by flood, fire, storm damage or any other declared natural disaster, when a declaration is made by the NSW Government. To support relief and recovery following a declared natural disaster a range of measures are made available by the NSW Government.

The Rural Assistance Authority (RAA) provides a range of financial assistance and support during a natural disaster, including the following grants and loans.

Recovery advice

The impact of fires, floods and other natural disasters can affect primary producers beyond their own resilience levels, requiring assistance to recover personally and financially.

Our department and LLS coordinate and provide recovery assistance and advice to landholders, primary producers, commercial fishers and other industries impacted by a natural disaster event.

For advice on animal, pastures and cropping advice or local recovery activities contact Local Land Services.

A fish is lifted from a river after being rescuedBushfire recovery video playlist

Our Youtube playlist contains bushfire recovery information on:

  • fish deaths
  • horticulture
  • livestock
  • pastures
  • viticulture
  • bees
  • aquaculture

Health and wellbeing

Mental health toolkit for the fires

The Australian National University has developed a free Community Trauma Toolkit containing resources to help support adults and children before, during and after bushfires.

Rural Adversity Mental Health Program

For information about rural health and wellbeing and mental health resources visit RAMHP


  • Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511
  • Beyondblue: 1300 224 636
  • Mensline: 1300 789 978
  • Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800