Bellambi Point

Area affected

Species of fish that must not be taken

Methods of fishing prohibited


Bellambi Point

The whole of the waters adjacent to Bellambi Point from a line drawn from the northernmost point of the breakwater nearest to Bellambi Point boat ramp in a direction of 55° north-easterly for a distance of 150 metres, then in a direction of 360° due north for a distance of 85 metres to a line bearing 270° due west for a distance of 280 metres, then in a direction of 180° due south to the foreshore at the mean high water mark, then along the foreshore in a generally easterly direction to the breakwater, then along the breakwater at the mean high water mark to the point of commencement.

Map of Bellambi Point closed waters (PDF, 108.7 KB)

Any species of fish.

Any method involving the use of a lobster trap.

All year.

The above closures are generated from the

Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2019

unless otherwise specified.

For more detailed local information see the Illawarra Recreational Fishing Guide