Instream structures and other mechanisms that alter natural flows

Fisheries Primefact
Primefact Number:     Edition:     Released/reviewed: 

In May 2002 the installation and operation of instream structures and other mechanisms that alter natural flow regimes of rivers and streams were listed as a key threatening process (KTP) under the Fisheries Management Act 1994. The contents of this Primefact include information on the following:

  • What are 'instream structures or other mechanisms that alter natural flows'?
  • Why are instream structures installed and operated?
  • What are the impacts of altering natural flow regimes?
  • What threatened fish are affected by this KTP?
  • What happens after a key threatening process is listed?
  • How are threat abatement plans implemented?
  • Reducing the impacts of this KTP
  • Bibliography and further reading
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