You searched for `Marine Protected Areas in NSW`

Showing results 41 - 50 of 81

  1. Abalone fishery management strategy

    use of surface supplied air or scuba. There are also several marine protected areas along the NSW. ... There are three types of. marine protected areas in NSW - large multiple-use marine parks, small aquatic reserves and the.

  2. OTLMAC-Final-Outcomes-29-30-June-2005.pdf

    Modify, in consultation with Ocean Trap and Line MAC, the mandatory reporting arrangements to enable the collection of information on interactions with, or sightings of, threatened or protected marine species and ... in NSW ocean waters open for trap and

  3. Abalone Fishery Determination - FINAL_15 April 2021.pdf

    4 Wonboyn, Saltlake, Howe. The Abalone Fishery is subject to a range of spatial closures arising from the comprehensive system of marine protected areas in NSW waters, that includes marine parks, ... fishing gear and areas closed to fishing (including

  4. Black-Rockcod-recovery-plan.pdf

    hook and line fishing in areas important for the survival of threatened species’; and • ‘the introduction of non-indigenous fish and marine vegetation to the coastal waters of NSW’. ... The NSW Government has been developing a comprehensive,

  5. Ocean Trawl Fishery Environmental Impact Statement Public Consultation Document

    of main areas of risk for threatened and protected species in the OTF.165 Table B2.34 Summary of risks to threatened species from trawling.169 Table B2.35 Levels of ... 218 Table D1 Overview of the major marine commercial fisheries in NSW.

  6. Chapter D1 - Introduction to the lobster fishery

    There are three types of marine protected areas in NSW - large multiple-use marine parks, small aquatic reserves and the marine and estuarine components of national parks and nature reserves. ... It is also important that the Lobster Management Advisory

  7. BMP-Operational-Plan-2010.pdf

    Figure 1: Map of NSW Marine Protected Areas. 1 INTRODUCTION Marine biodiversity, the variety of marine life including species, habitats and ecosystems, contributes to Australian industries worth more than $25 billion ... The long-term aim of the NSW

  8. Marine fish stocking fishery management strategy

    Marine fish stocking fishery management stategy. 1 Introduction. 1.1 Fish Stocking in NSW. ... threatened species,. marine protected areas (MPAs), habitat condition), economic (e.g. local economic.

  9. seagrasses-primefact-629.pdf

    collecting will generally not be permitted from declared intertidal Protected areas, aquatic Reserves and Marine Parks (see the NSW DPI website for the location of marine ... protected areas in NSW).

  10. psglmp-edu-kit-mod1

    Each state in Australia and the Northern Territory has established a network of marine protected areas to fulfil such obligations. ... In line with international and national research, initial research in NSW marine parks also shows that fish numbers,