You searched for `Marine Protected Areas in NSW`

Showing results 61 - 70 of 81

  1. Abalone Fishery Report and Determination 2023

    4 Wonboyn, Saltlake, Howe. The Abalone Fishery is subject to a range of spatial closures arising from the comprehensive system of marine protected areas in NSW waters. ... These include marine parks, aquatic reserves and intertidal protected areas in

  2. Volume 2

    Biodiversity and Habitat Issues.F-273. a) Major habitats of the trawled estuaries.F-273 b) Marine protected areas within trawled estuaries.F-279 c) Effects of the fishery on estuarine ... 1.3 Protect ecosystem integrity 1.3c research ecosystem function

  3. Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery Environmental Impact Statement Public Consultation Document

    i) NSW coastal climate.B-55 ii) Estuarine habitats.B-58 iii) Biodiversity in estuarine ecosystems.B-58 iv) Habitat management.B-59 v) Marine protected areas.B-60. ... Extinction and their Environment MAC Management Advisory Committee MPA Marine Parks

  4. Fishery Management Strategy for the Estuary General Fishery

    Extinction and their Environment. MAC Management Advisory Committee MPA Marine Parks Authority NCC Nature Conservation Council NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service NRSMPA National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas NSW ... There are

  5. Ocean Hauling Fishery Environmental Impact Statement: Public Consultation Document

    F–240 iii) Marine protected areas. F–242. b) Knowledge gaps. F–246 c) Conclusion. ... NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service. NRSMPA National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas.

  6. Public Consultation Document: Volume 1

    B1. Region 1.31 B1. Marine Protected Areas.34. B1.1.3.4 Seasonal Closures.35 B1.2 Interaction with Other Fisheries.36. ... due to the Perkinsus parasite, or where marine protected areas occur and harvesting.

  7. Public Consultation Document: Volume 3

    NSW Abalone Fishery EIS, Volume 3 September 2005. The Ecology Lab Pty Ltd – Marine and Freshwater Studies Page 1. ... NSW Abalone Fishery EIS, Volume 3 September 2005. The Ecology Lab Pty Ltd – Marine and Freshwater Studies Page 3.

  8. OTLMAC-Draft-Agenda-5-Nov-2007.pdf

    In areas where there are substantial closures in place due to Marine Parks, fishers did not think that further closures were required. ... The MLL change is one component of other policy changes (including input controls and buy outs for Marine Protected

  9. OTLMAC-Final-Outcomes-10-Mar-2005.pdf

    The Department’s Marine Protected Areas and Threatened Species unit also provided the following information in response: The Manning Bioregional Assessment report (available to download at ... However, the State government is

  10. Fishery Management Strategy for the Ocean Trawl Fishery

    There are three types of marine protected areas in NSW - large multiple-use marine parks, small aquatic reserves and the marine and estuarine components of national parks and nature reserves. ... Apart from the area closures to commercial fishing such as