You searched for `Marine Protected Areas in NSW`

Showing results 71 - 80 of 81

  1. Retained and discarded catch characteristics – Prawn trawl observer

    interaction) with threatened, endangered and protected fish, sharks, marine. mammals, reptiles, and seabirds; and. ... Habitat Protection Zones (HPZs) and Sanctuary Zones (SZs) within Marine Protected Areas.

  2. Abalone Fishery Report and Determination for the 2022/23 fishing period

    4 Wonboyn, Saltlake, Howe. The Abalone Fishery is subject to a range of spatial closures arising from the comprehensive system of marine protected areas in NSW waters, that includes marine parks, ... including marine protected areas). The TACC has

  3. A biological and economic assessment of the 2001 change in the Minimum Legal Length (MLL) of snapper in NSW

    The MLL change is one component of other policy changes (including input controls and buy outs for Marine Protected Areas and Recreational Fishing Havens) that have taken place in NSW fisheries. ... Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

  4. Monitoring and identification of NSW Critical Habitat Sitesfor conservation of Grey Nurse Sharks

    Simon Hartley of Southern Cross University, Darrin White, Wooli Dive Centre, Dive Quest, Solitary Islands Marine Park (NSW MPA), Pacific Blue Dive Centre, the Pet Porpoise Pool, the Solitary Islands Underwater ... data) overlap the present distribution

  5. Policy and guidelines for fish habitat conservation and management (update 2013)

    In NSW, the primary goal is to establish a comprehensive, adequate and representative system of marine protected areas that includes a full range of marine biodiversity at ecosystem, habitat and species ... There are three types of marine protected areas

  6. DEWHA Movements & Diving Final Report July 2009_FORMATTED V2

    Sydney Aquarium – Craig Sowden and the curatorial staff NSW Marine Parks Authority – Andrew Read, Tracey Macdonald and Alan Jordan. ... 2007, 2008) have been documented using this technique. Data on the localised movements of sharks can inform

  7. Grey-Nurse-Shark-Draft-Recovery-Plan.pdf

    Three of these key 'aggregation sites' are already given high levels of protection within existin g marine protected areas. ... They were fully protected in NSW in 1984, but their numbers have continued to decline.

  8. Mark-recapture population estimate and movements of Grey Nurse Sharks

    Louden, Joe Neilson, James Sakker, Alan Genders and Michelle Belcher (NSW Fisheries), staff of the Solitary Islands Marine Park, and Lorraine Beal for their contributions to this study. ... diving and spearfishing clubs, commercial aquaria, primary and

  9. Marine-Fish-Stocking-Vol-II-Online-Version.pdf

    Marine Fish Stocking in NSW Environmental Impact Statement Vol II Prepared for: Department of Primary Industries. ... threatened species, marine protected areas (MPAs), habitat condition), economic (e.g. local economic dependencies), social (e.g.

  10. Beaches and Headland Ecological FFreport_146

    16. Shore-based recreational fishing in NSW marine wate rs……………………………………… 18. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………… 18. ... ii) scientific