You searched for `NSW marine protected areas`

Showing results 81 - 90 of 128

  1. Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery Environmental Impact Statement Public Consultation Document

    The criteria used by NSW Fisheries to select candidate estuarine marine protected areas.F-281 Table F3. ... Extinction and their Environment MAC Management Advisory Committee MPA Marine Parks Authority NCC Nature Conservation Council NPWS National Parks

  2. Tweed offshore artificial reef long term management plan

    risks associated with existing infrastructure, obstructions and exclusion zones (such as deep-water ocean outfalls, port restrictions, spoil grounds and historical shipwrecks), threatened species by avoiding critical habitats and marine protected

  3. lhimp-edu-kit-mod2

    and their environment; to gain an appreciation of the complexities of the rocky shore habitat; and to understand why many of these areas are protected by NSW marine parks. ... they interact with each other and their environment; to appreciate the

  4. NSW Total Allowable Fishing Committee - Spanner Crab Report and Determination for 2020-21 fishing period.pdf

    NSW Total Allowable Fishing Committee. Report and Determinations. for the 2020–21 Fishing Period. ... by 3– 4 years, and leading the peak in NSW by 4–5 years.

  5. psglmp-edu-kit-mod2

    and their environment; to gain an appreciation of the complexities of the rocky shore habitat; and to understand why many of these areas are protected by NSW marine parks. ... they interact with each other and their environment; to appreciate the

  6. Volume 2

    Biodiversity and Habitat Issues.F-273. a) Major habitats of the trawled estuaries.F-273 b) Marine protected areas within trawled estuaries.F-279 c) Effects of the fishery on estuarine ... 1.3 Protect ecosystem integrity 1.3c research ecosystem function

  7. Chapter D1 - Introduction to the lobster fishery

    There are three types of marine protected areas in NSW - large multiple-use marine parks, small aquatic reserves and the marine and estuarine components of national parks and nature reserves. ... Any new fishing closures should take account of areas

  8. Forster OAR LTMP

    Cover image: SMC Marine Pty Ltd 2022. State of New South Wales through Regional NSW [2022]. ... existing infrastructure, obstructions and exclusion zones (such as deep-water ocean outfalls, port restrictions, spoil grounds and historical shipwrecks),

  9. Fishery Management Strategy for the Ocean Hauling Fishery

    protected areas and to prioritise new areas for marine biodiversity conservation in NSW waters. ... There are three types of marine protected areas in NSW - large multiple-use marine parks, small aquatic reserves and the marine and estuarine components

  10. NSW Land Based Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy 2021 - Second Edition

    NSW has large areas suitable for the development of land based aquaculture with access to high quality surface water, ground water, estuarine and marine waters. ... 1.7 Related strategies. The NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy and the