You searched for `identification of marine protected areas`

Showing results 11 - 20 of 138

  1. Ocean Trawl Fishery Environmental Impact Statement Public Consultation Document

    of main areas of risk for threatened and protected species in the OTF.165 Table B2.34 Summary of risks to threatened species from trawling.169 Table B2.35 Levels of ... 178 Table B2.41 Summary of main areas of risk to species diversity from the


    Erroneous reporting. Further analyses of the monthly catch records indicated several areas of concern. ... The biology, ecology, distribution, abundance and identification of marine protected areas for the conservation of threatened Grey Nurse Sharks in

  3. A preliminary assessment of fish passage through a Denil fishway on the Edward River, Australia

    94/042. 194pp. No. 19 Otway, N.M. and Parker, P.C., 2000. The biology, ecology, distribution, abundance and identification of marine protected areas for the conservation of threatened Grey Nurse ... Final Report to Environment Australia for the Marine

  4. Retained and discarded catch characteristics – Prawn trawl observer

    interaction) with threatened, endangered and protected fish, sharks, marine. mammals, reptiles, and seabirds; and. ... Habitat Protection Zones (HPZs) and Sanctuary Zones (SZs) within Marine Protected Areas.

  5. FishCare Volunteer Program Angling Survey: summary

    Interestingly, the areas of high refusal rates tended to be around Sydney. ... In most areas this would also mean an increase in the numbers of interviews.

  6. NSW-Recreational-Fisheries-Monitoring-Program-Survey-of-recreational-fishing-in-NSW-201718-_-Fisheries-Final-Report-Series-No-158.pdf

    2013). The non-fishing NSW public also value a well-managed resource with sustainable fisheries an important component of broader marine ecosystem health. ... Recreational Fishing Havens and freshwater systems), leaving recreational fishing as the sole

  7. The effects of Balranald Weir on spatial and temporal distributions of lower Murrumbidgee River fish assemblages

    The weirs were constructed for domestic water supply, stock water supply, irrigation, rediversion to irrigation areas and rediversion to effluent streams. ... Fish were collected via dip net and placed into a live well for recovery prior to

  8. Selective Breeding SROs_REPORT_Formatted

    bCSIRO Marine Laboratories, Castray Esplanade, Hobart, TAS 7000, Australia. Corresponding Author: Tel: (61-2) 49821232. ... ANOVA was conducted using the GMAV5 for Windows software package (Institute of Marine Ecology, University of Sydney, NSW).

  9. 197_REPORT_Riverine fish communities_REPORT_formatted for –

    Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42: 555-567. Gehrke, P.C., Astles, K.L. ... Seasonal and size-related variation in microhabitat use by a southern Victorian stream fish assemblage Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 45

  10. Final Report 2005_209 FORMATTED FINAL

    Identification of individual animals and family structures are recommended for gathering the data for the development of genetic parameters. ... Liggins. 194pp. No. 19 Otway, N.M. and Parker, P.C., 2000. The biology, ecology, distribution, abundance and

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