You searched for `identification of marine protected areas`

Showing results 41 - 50 of 138

  1. Assessment of shark sighting rates by aerial beach patrols - Fisheries Final Report Series

    iv Summary. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Aerial surveys are a recognised technique to identify the presence and abundance of marine animals. ... 2009). Although not affected by vegetation cover, aerial sighting rates of marine animals are influenced by

  2. Assessment of artificial reefs in Lake Macquarie NSW

    due to physical constrains (depth, sediment type, seagrass beds, protected areas) or interference with existing activities or planned developments (navigation channels, anchorages, marinas). ... A total of 295 fish were captured, resulting in the

  3. Development of fish screening criteria for water diversions in the Murray-Darling Basin

    2002). The recent application of dual-frequency identification sonar (DIDSON; Sound Metrics Corp.) to fisheries research has proven to be an effective tool for quantifying fish abundance, size, behaviour and habitat ... 2.2.5. Quantifying screen contact.

  4. Ageing Yellowtail (Trachurus novaezelandiae) and Blue Mackeral (Scomber australasicus) in New South Wales

    Phillips) • Meeting with D. Liska of Pisces Marine (operators of Broome’s Head hatchery). ... The approach to selection for disease tolerance is largely a reaction to the existence of survivors in areas affected by disease.

  5. Improved Early Survival of Molluscs:Sydney Rock Oyster (Saccostrea glomerata)

    5.4.1 Challenge tests with Vibrio isolates. In June 1996, bacteriological plating of rearing water and of diseased larvae on marine agar and Harris media was used to isolate three ... and Japan (Nogami and Maeda) to be effective in combating vibriosis in

  6. Assessment of a stocking program: Findings and recommendations for the Snowy Lakes Trout Strategy

    her es have adopted a more controlled appro odu tion of fish into conservation areas, or to prevent overstocking, both of which can have. ... Finclipping enables identification of age and growth when fish are trapped in the spawning b.

  7. Major Fish Kills in the Northern Rivers of NSW in 2001: Causes, Impacts & Responses

    Not all areas of the river were equally affected, with the South Arm being more affected than other sections. ... The review enabled a time-line of the main processes to be constructed and presentation of sufficient information to enable a reasoned

  8. Survey of Recreational Fishing 2013/14

    Error bars represent one standard error. 90. Figure 61 Total catch numbers (kept and released), harvest numbers (kept), and proportion (%) of the total catch released for key marine species, by residents ... xi NSW Department of Primary Industries,

  9. Assessment of a Dual-frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON) for application in fish migration studies

    9 1.2. Electronic monitoring of freshwater fish using hydroacoustics. 10 1.3. ... A preliminary assessment of a dual-frequency identification sonar (DIDSON) system in the Murray-Darling Basin demonstrated substantial promise (Baumgartner et al., 2006).

  10. 1747_Lachlan Macquarie perch habitat project_FORMATTED_V2

    On the premise that rehabilitation of degraded habitats is particularly relevant when it facilitates reconnection of isolated remnant populations, rehabilitation of those reaches that fragment these areas is likely to result ... Actively eroding banks

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