You searched for `marine protected areas for the conservation`

Showing results 41 - 50 of 141

  1. Assessing likelihoods of marine pest introductions in Sydney estuaries: A transport vector approach

    Hull fouling may be at present the most significant vector for marine pests given that it is not as tightly regulated as is ballast water exchange. ... 2006). But, as for commercial vessels, there will be niche areas on the hulls of recreational vessels

  2. Port of EdenIntroduced Marine Pest Species Study

    National Australian Ports Surveys by the CSIRO’s Centre for Research on Introduced Marine Pests (CRIMP) (Hewitt &Martin 1996; see also Hewitt &Martin 2001). ... 14 NSW Fisheries. Eden – Introduced Species Study Report. Additional sites surveyed for

  3. Lake Macq_FINAL REPORT_from Steffe 280803_FORMATTED

    8. Table 2. Estimates of daytime recreational fishing effort (fisher hours) for the Lake Macquarie and Swansea Channel areas combined. ... 115. Appendix 6. Estimates of daytime recreational fishing effort (boat hours) for the boat-based fishery in the

  4. 299_FRDC Urchins_REPORT formatted for printing_Oct03_Part –

    Densities of the purple sea urchin were highest in areas termed Barrens, where they maintain the rock free of foliose algae. ... Within Region 3, reductions in density also occurred in areas closed to commercial fishing, with the average density reduced


    Although a number of potential question areas have been identified (and these are detailed in Attachment 12.4), the final design for each State/Territory has been scheduled for October/November ... The latter procedure is used to allocate interviews

  6. Marine-Fish-Stocking-Vol-II-Online-Version.pdf

    threatened species, marine protected areas (MPAs), habitat condition), economic (e.g. local economic dependencies), social (e.g. ... Matters of NES relevant to fish stocking activities include: declared World Heritage areas (WHAs), declared Ramsar

  7. Second NSW North Coast shark-meshing trial final report

    Research should then be directed towards understanding the key mechanisms that might contribute to reduced interactions/mortalities with unwanted catches by particular fishing gears and the broader consequences for the marine ... The Management Plan also


    Marine and Freshwater Research 52, 987-993. 101. Appendix 6. Gray, C.A., Larson, R.B., Kennelly, S.J. ... Marine and Freshwater Research 51, 749-753. 125. Appendix 8. Gray, C.A., Kennelly, S.J.

  9. NSW-Recreational-Fisheries-Monitoring-Program-Charter-Fishery-Monitoring-201718-_-Fisheries-Final-Report-Series-No.-159.pdf

    2015), leaving data collected on recreational fishing as the primary source of information for many species and areas. ... under which management and reporting for the NSW marine estate is conducted (MEMS 2018).


    Research should then be directed towards understanding the key mechanisms that might contribute to reduced interactions by particular fishing gear and the broader consequences for the marine environment. ... Brazil: Hazin and Afonso, 2013; and Réunion

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