You searched for `marine protected areas within`

Showing results 21 - 30 of 33

  1. Ocean Hauling Fishery Environmental Impact Statement: Public Consultation Document

    F–240 iii) Marine protected areas. F–242. b) Knowledge gaps. F–246 c) Conclusion. ... NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service. NRSMPA National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas.

  2. Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery Environmental Impact Statement Public Consultation Document

    F-279. b) Marine protected areas within trawled estuaries.F-279 c) Effects of the fishery on estuarine habitats.F-282. ... F-286 iv) Mangroves and saltmarsh. F-286 v) Marine protected areas. F-286.

  3. Facilitator's summary.pdf

    6. Mitigating measures. Presentation. Of twelve major identified GNS aggregation sites, six occur in the NSW Marine Protected Areas network. ... critical habitat sites outside the marine protected areas network.

  4. Fishery Management Strategy for the Ocean Trawl Fishery

    There are three types of marine protected areas in NSW - large multiple-use marine parks, small aquatic reserves and the marine and estuarine components of national parks and nature reserves. ... It is also important that the Ocean Trawl MAC participates

  5. Public Consultation Document: Volume 1

    B1. Region 1.31 B1. Marine Protected Areas.34. B1.1.3.4 Seasonal Closures.35 B1.2 Interaction with Other Fisheries.36. ... due to the Perkinsus parasite, or where marine protected areas occur and harvesting.

  6. NSW Saltwater Fishing Guide

    Marine Park Zones, RFHs &more. Check the bag and size limits for popular species. ... DPI discourages fishers from deliberately targeting them in these areas due to their local significance.

  7. Mapping the habitats of NSW estuaries

    Subdivision of marine environments into habitat units is the surrogate most widely used, and this approach as been adopted in NSW for selecting suitable candidate areas for protection within Marine Parks. ... provide natural resource managers, industry

  8. Grey-Nurse-Shark-Draft-Recovery-Plan.pdf

    Three of these key 'aggregation sites' are already given high levels of protection within existin g marine protected areas. ... The particular habitats where grey nurse sharks choose to aggregate contain a rich diversity of fish and marine vegetation,

  9. Policy and guidelines for fish habitat conservation and management (update 2013)

    6. 1.7 Marine protected areas 7. 1.7.1 Proposed development within or in the locality of marine parks or aquatic reserves 7. ... There are three types of marine protected areas in NSW:.  Marine parks are managed under the Marine Parks Act 1997.

  10. Attitudes and Motivations of recreational fishers.pdf

    relation to commercial fishing . amongst focus group participants with areas of divergence shaded. 45 . Table 34. ... and division within the recreational .