You searched for `Industrial hemp`

Showing results 1 - 7 of 7

  1. The NSW Government establishes Hemp Industry Taskforce

    Identifying legislative barriers to and opportunities for expanding industrial hemp production in NSW. ... The NSW industrial hemp sector is highly regulated, with 99% compliance in 2022/23.

  2. NSW Hemp Industry

    The role industrial hemp could play in the transition to a net zero, circular economy in NSW. ... Identifying legislative barriers to and opportunities for expanding industrial hemp production in NSW.

  3. hay hemp profile upper hunter region.pdf

    This provides scope for industrial hemp to compete with other broadacre summer crops, once infrastructure is established. ... NSW DPI (Department of Primary Industries) 2008, Industrial hemp - a new crop for NSW, Primefact 2008,

  4. Biosecurity audits

    Industrial hemp audits. Once approved the business must only use an approved auditor from the register.

  5. hemp-industry-licence-manual.pdf

    1 This licenses does not permit the growing of hemp for medicinal use. ... Phone Mobile. Fax Email Address. Type of Hemp Crop o Seed Crop - Variety.

  6. agricultural profile upper hunter region.pdf

    of all beef cattle for slaughter, 90% of the state’s industrial hemp, 8% of herbs and garlic, 6% of all olives and 3% of all the pastures cut for hay ... adopting relevant minimum lot sizes; and • ensuring compatible development in important hay and

  7. Greater Sydney Peri urban Biosecurity Social Research Project.pdf

    Greater Sydney Peri urban Biosecurity Social Research Project - Final Report