You searched for marine protected areas

Showing results 61 - 64 of 64

  1. Austrodanthonia caespitosa (White top)

    Seeds should be stored at ambient temperatures and protected from sunlight and vermin. ... Seed has also been successfully sown using band seeders or the crocodile seeder in lower rainfall areas.

  2. Citrus leafminer

    Between 1989 and 1992 it spread westward into the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Areas, to Hillston, and the NSW and Victorian River Murray districts east of and including Swan Hill. ... petiolatus and Cirrospilus quadristiriatus are also important. Chemical

  3. Copper questions answered

    Examples include citrus scab in high rainfall areas, Septoria spot in drier inland regions and Phytophthora brown rot, which can strike whenever conditions are favourable. ... As the fruit and foliage grow, the new tissue is not protected, and wind and

  4. Pruning for 70% first grade citrus pack-out: 2017 roadshow field session

    Wind speeds during spring and site topography (i.e. high or low wind site; exposed hillside or protected flat ground) also affect wind blemish, although pruning can significantly reduce the effect ... This makes battery pruners preferable for growers

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